Thursday, 6 September 2007

I'm Not Quite Sure Who Is The Most Dangerous

The Bank of England has had a few words to say about things. It sounds serious, but why did they allow the Investment Banks and other investment funds to recover the money for now? These are the people responsible for the mess, they should take the hit. But of course, it will be the ordinary working TaxPayer who is going to foot the bill, again. Bloody Bankers.

Most of the Banks and much of the Financial Industry, have only a vague idea of the amount of debt they are committed to. The rules on Liquidity have been rather stretched and in some cases broken.

That plus the Housing Market inflation, then the fact that Gordon wants to spend £8 Billion on more housing for Immigrants (at the TaxPayers expence) and then another £45 Billion re-building ALL the schools in England and Wales, you Poor Bloody TaxPayers are going to need a lot of overtime to pay for this next lot of Waste and Drivel coming out of Politicians and Parliament. The Bill for all this Debt, must now be in the region of £2000Billion.

I was thinking only this morning about the Bloody Nonsense that Westminster and Whitehall have stacked up for the next two, three and possibily four Generations of TaxPayers. I would expect to come back to this world in the year 2107, and find just the same thing. TaxPayers struggling to pay off Gordons debt. And I wouldn't be at all supprised to see Gordon still here. If it isn't him, I'm sure I will recognise the smell.

Wednesday, 5 September 2007

Tomorrows Programe, Banking on the 6th. September

Just a quick note to let you know that tomorrow is the beginning of the wind up for the Financial Sector.

The World Economy starts to recognise who is up and who is down. It is only my opinion, but watch Barclays Bank. I think there is at least one major Bank in serious trouble. Only time will tell.

I'll post again tomorrow. Regards, ATFlynn. WatchKeeper.

What Price Politics Now Policies Are At An End?

What Price The British Army Now that It Has Lost Again? What a pathetic shower of "Pretend Politicians", and Armed Forces Commanders, "The Comedy Commanders". Jackson, while in office never said a word out of place in public. And now he has the Bloody cheek to say the Americans got it wrong. The only wrong they did, was to trust the Labour Party and Blair.

The British TaxPayer is providing Billions of £pounds to the UN, and then throwing in the Army the Air force and the Bloody Navy. And is it true, that the MoD in London has more Staff than the British Army has Soldiers? And the Royal Air Force has only 12 Twelve pilots, trained to fly after Sunset? Where, Ten years ago, the Royal Air Force had Five Squadrons of Air Defence to cover London. Now there are No Squadrons. Let us not forget either, that only a year or two back, alright, five or six years ago. The Royal Navy on exercise, had to shout "Bang" to save the cost of a "blank" for the Guns. Can you imagine the Naval Ratings running about going "Bang", then falling over laughing. And yet we can still pay Billions of £pounds to the UN, take in all the Waifs and Strays that turn up at the door. At the cost of more Billions of £pounds of Bloody TaxPayers Money.

And again, look at the cost of Housing now today. But what can you expect when the Poor Bloody TaxPayer is forced to pay-up to provide the money to pay the Housing Benefit. Ten Thousand £10,000 a Week to Landlords of three Bed-Roomed Houses, crammed with as many as thirty occupants, the Ten Thousand £10,000 since the late 1990s. Sandy Bruce-Lockhart, at that time Leader of the Kent County Council and a victim of the Government Policy on immigration, wrote and asked me how these Criminal People Smugglers made a profit out of the crime. I have just looked out the Letter dater 28th. November 2001. It turned out that the Government had to pay Kent some Six Billion £pounds compensation in what they called a "Public Service Agreement". And it is now, Lord Bruce-Lockhart. Not Mister.

This was a time when the Government had a "Visa Control" unit in Leeds. I was in touch with them from about 1998, until Jack Straw or David Blunkett closed them down. Every time my contact and I came up with an answer to immigration problems we were told that we were "Extreme and Politically Sensitive". Now it turns out that this Government had no intention whatsoever, of closing down the flow of Immigrants and Asylum Seekers. This is what was Planned. And going back to the Price of Housing, the Government is planning to use Eight Billion £pouns of TaxPayers money to build more Houses for more Immigrants.

I'll tell you once again, your only chance, yours and your family and the Grandchildren's only chance, is to take away the Governments power to levy Direct Taxation. You the TaxPayers, set up your own system of Taxation on a Parish Council and Town Council system. You, the poor Bloody TaxPayer, take control of the whole shooting match. When a Politician wants to spend money, he, they, will have to come and ask the Parish or Town Council for permission. Thats how it should be. Most of the Money is yours any way.

Let me know what you think. Enough for now, time for a cuppa. Regards, ATFlynn

Monday, 3 September 2007

Is Globalisation Another Name For Monkey Business

I was listening to a radio report on WTO farm agreements and bits and pieces. And I wondered if the people in America, Canada, Gt. Britain and Europe have any idea what the shape of the future is going to look like if the general public don't wake up and put a stop to all this bloody nonsense.

America, Canada, Gt. Britain, Europe and other countries, Australia, New Zealand are in danger of being sold out to a bunch of other countries over Farming and Agriculture. The plan is, that developed countries must cut back on farm production, closing down their Industry and buying up the "surplus" from the undeveloped countries.

If the Western countries plus Aust' and NZ and especially America, stick to their guns and tell these people to get lost, the alternative is only too predictable. You will be at their mercy before a year is out. But from the talk and from the Politics of some countries in Europe and some people in Britain even, this is a game and the winner Dominates the World.

No, I haven't missed the United Nations. How can I when at every turn, Labour Politicians in London love to play off the UN against the USA, or any other Government that has an opposite point of view. How can you miss the UN. A week ago, perhaps two weeks, the Express News Paper printed a short piece about the corruption at the UN. I was thinking that the EU, wants the British seat on the council, I say let them have it and the Bloody great Bill that goes with it. It would knock at least £5. a week off of every TaxPayers Demand. I think it is long past time the Americans kept more of their money in their pocket and stopped giving it away to a bunch of people who already have shed loads of it. Give your TaxPayers a rest, they certainly deserve it.

Enough for now. You Americans have been propping up much of the world for the last Sixty years. Time you took a Bloody break. (And Thanks.) Regards, ATFlynn, WatchKeeper.

Sunday, 2 September 2007


I was going over old ground this morning. Mostly the off-book debt that this government has taken on.

Our local Hospital. At the planning stage it was to cost less than £100 Million. Then it jumped to £129, Million and then when it was built and handed over in 2001, the cost was £229, Million. But that is only the start of the complete and utter nonsense that must have addled the so called "brains" of British Politics. (It could have been the "weed" they smoked.)

The Hospital was handed over to the NHS, in 2001 and the initial building cost was paid, £129. Million. In addition, a further £100. Million was handed over making a total payment of £229. Million.

Then, in 2006, the first Five Yearly, Re-Financing took place and another £116. Million was paid to the assorted people holding the debt, plus of course the Annual Servicing Fee, of £37.5 Million. And don't forget, this goes on for Sixty bloody years. A Service Charge every year, that is adjustable every year. And a Re-Financing every Five years. Even in the year 2061, there is provision to extend the arrangement futher. There is no completion date for the payments. And I do have a copy of this "contract" direct from the DoH.

Another surprise this month, there are now TEN Million people of working age, now living on Benefits of one sort or another, in this country. But of course, these poor people are not un-employed. Only about One Million are un-employed.

I always look at the Election figures. The number of votes available, those that did vote and those that didn't bother. The other figures to take into account are the numbr of working TaxPayers compared to the numbers on the Elactoral Roll. Since 2001, the number of voters has jumped from 27 Million, to 39 Million in '07. Yet the number of working TaxPayers has change from 28, Million to 29,Million. And then, the last time I checked the Tax Revenue's, was in 2005. I still have thoes figures somewhere.

Apart from the very fragile Global Economy, more than 50% of the employed in Gt. Britain
are now occupied with non-jobs. Look at this nonsense with re-cycling, HIPS, Home Information Packs, and that bloody Monsterous, Global Warming. Yes, there is Climate Change but that isn't man-made. This might be a wet year, but the flooding has been made even worse by the change from spring sowing of arable crops, to the autum sowing. Most of the autum and winter rain fall now has to be drained off the land and channeled into the water-courses in a matter of an hour or so. That is the cause of most flooding. The reports are in some country News Papers. Have a look at the EDP archives where the river Bailiff was made to restore the riverbed and not allowed to remove some weed growth. That spring, the river flooded for the first time in many years.

And now that we are on Agricultural matters, what about the worst possible disaster that can happen to the Western world now that we have all but abandoned food production? Has no one
thought of climate change to the extent that given we have now had a very wet period, isn't it just, ever so slightly possible, next year could make up for that and we could have a very very dry year and we lose all our, or nearly all of our food production.

When you consider that the world is over-populated by one or even two Billion people, now would be a good time to re-adjust the Human Population of the world. Have you not noticed that when man starts to get too cocky and thinks he can run the world, change this or that, nature has a most effective way of giving him a good kick in the arse. I have that feeling it is due now,or even over-due.

Hang on to your Hollyhocks folks, there are three or even four Disasters lined up out there just waiting to for the next move. I think you should pray that a major British Bank fails in the next ten days. There is going to be a shortage of food, prices are already on they up.

Regards, ATFlynn.