Monday, 28 April 2008


Come this Thursday, 1st. of May and the Local Elections. I have not taken much of an interest because we do not take part this year. My interest is in getting our little group working on how to remove the total control of power from Westminster. It is our intention to put the Electors and especially the Taxpayers in a position to exercise a measure of censure or disapproval, over their elected representative. The people must be in a position to hold these MPs to account.

And to my mind, the way to do that is to take control of Taxation. If you control the money, you control the events. And it is the Taxpayers money to start with.

To this extent, I have posted a notice on the Daily Telegraph, in fact about three notices. I also posted the same message on the Daily Mail, but they wont have anyone challenge the authority of Westminster. The Mail prints a lot of garbage about politics, but when push come to shove, the Mail is always missing. As is my contribution.

I seem to have forgotten to mention the fact that we had a meeting at South Norfolk House, Long Stratton, on the 23 April. We set out a suggestion for a programme that will allow the Taxpayers to change the system of paying Taxation so that Westminster is no longer in control of Direct Taxation. Instead, all money is to be paid to Parish, Town and then District Councils, then passed to the County Council. In effect investing more power in Local Politics than Westminster.

My intention is to avoid the changes Westminster intend, of imposing regional authorities on areas and destroying the ancient County system and giving Brussels the control as they want it.
Another assault upon the Sovereignty of Britain, and a mockery of democracy. The final insult being Westminsters connivance in all of this treachery.

If you want to put a stop to it, County by County, you must take control of Taxation. It is perfectly legal, Westminster cannot stop you. Almost every day, you hear of, or read of someone or other, moving their money off-shore and beyond the Jurisdiction of the British government. The last to be mentioned was Lord Sainsbury and Carla Furse. I do not object. My complaint is that the system should be available for everyone. That is what I intend to offer. All I want is to reduce Direct Taxation to a bare minimum. You do realise that the NHS., is now costing almost £300 Million each day?
Regards, ATFlynn