Thursday, 2 October 2008


I have spent the last two hours reading past comments and if you go
to-: you can go back a little more than two years, on this site, and find comments relating to this melt-down. There are two other web-sites that also paid much attention to the problem. That is, The TaxPayers Alliance, and in its own way, The Daily Express. Both of these are still chasing the "Spivs" of Westminster and Whitehall. The problem is, whatever Party is in Power, the House of Commons will still carry on its merry way just like a drunk at a Christmas Party. They can't resist it.
Others did make reference to the problems. But I mean as a News Paper, the Express chased this problem for more than two years. Ever since the acrid smell of fraud wafted out of HM. Treasury with the news of the enormous number of PFI. contracts. I did manage to get a copy of the contract for the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital. Last week Fraser Nelson and Peter Hoskin, published a two page article in the Spectator about PFI. "jobs". I would point out tho', that the 30 year duration they describe is in fact only the first part of the contract.
The building work required is first completed and the job handed over. Next, the first re-financing takes place and the annual "service charge" is agreed. The service charge is a yearly ground rent (as it was explained to me by the NHS Care Trust in Norwich.) This charge is up-dated every year, and the re-financing takes place every five years. So far the N.N.U.H. has had one re-finance and it cost the poor old Taxpayer another £116 Million £Pounds making the cost so far, £345 Million without the Ground Rent, and that is £37.6 Million for the year, 2003/4. And yes, at the end of the first 30/31 years, the contract is extended for another Thirty years and then it is open ended allowing for further periods of payment. Copies of the contract are available on request.
Oh! yes. In this contract time, until 2061, it is a safe bet the re-payment time will last far longer than the building itself, it is an abortion of a place. It even takes the security dept. ten minuts to get from their office to the end wall of the Hospital Building. And it covers a 63 acre site.
I did have an idea of how many of these contracts there were, but records were piling up and my wife had a moan about it, so last week I ditched a dustbin full of information to make room. For a moment I wished I hadn't.
Still, we can all see the problems the NU-Labour Party, NU Nonsense has now created. And if any of you think that Westminster and Whitehall are going to "fix" it, I have news for you.
How many of you remember Len Cook?? At the ONS?? Len-Cook the-Books. Since his time, not one piece of information from the ONS. is believable. Everything you are now told by this bunch of Baby snatchers and Pensions thieves, is suspect even if it is not an outright lie.
London, Westminster and Whitehall, are finished. Time now that you, the Poor Bloody Taxpayer, called an end to the nonsense that comes from Brussels. To start with, at a minimum you are paying £6 Billion a month to them. At the very least, £72 Billion a year. And then there is the "Customs and Excise", how many of you realise that every penny that is collected by customs duty, is turned over to Brussels and you poor old Taxpayers even have to pay the cost of collecting it. There are other payment that go straight to Brussels, like the "Carbon Transfer Tax", what, you didn't know you paid one??? On the hugh rise in your Electricity bill it still says you pay VAT. at 5%, well let me inform you, part of that cost-hike was another Tax imposed by Brussels. Do you know, at a guess, I would think that if you abandoned the European Union, you could save yourself at least £2 Billion of Taxation,

All that is needed is for all Employers to Employ all Staff, including yourself, from an Off-Shore location using an Agent based in that location. As long as you only remit your Tax Free allowance, and of course a similar allowance for any family members you are responsible for; All money NOT remitted is Tax Free and beyond the Jurisdiction of any British Court. That money can however, be accessed and used by any account holder, to pay bills or other charges, even standing orders, without becoming liable for Taxation. Even VAT. could be ignored before the first year of this system of Taxation is over. There will need to be Taxation to pay for all the necessary Public Services that are required. But believe me, once we get Taxation broken down to a County by County structure, and the Welfare State under controll, I will guarantee you will pay no more than 20 pence in the £Pound and it could be as low as 10 pence in the £Pound. One last thing. It would be illegal for any Elected Councillor to suggest this or be part of system of Tax Revenue Collection. But it is possible to ask the Elected Council to take charge of the Revenue and be responsible for the Administration of the Spending Policy. But the Taxpayer should always be in control of formulating and setting the Spending Policy.
I'll come back to this Policy Suggestion later.
Regards, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"