Saturday, 5 December 2009


Monday and all that glitters is NOT gold. If my wife has a hand in it , much of it will be detritus. Waste of this world and the bits and pieces that are left, are the bonuses of the Banks  and others, imposed upon the Taxpayers of this world. Tell me brovs' are you up for this, or would it be more in your interest to see some utter, but fundamental change to the whole system and a totally new begininning.
 Have a look at this website :-
Or you could try this,      

I am attempting to encourage most of the Taxpayers, to abandon Westminster and adopt a system based on the Local County Structure.

Why the bl***Y hell should you half arsed wage earners, crippled by this or that nonsense, be obliged to pay the full amount of Taxation, just to satisfy some half-arsed
Now, after that assertion, I stand ready to be Shot Down. I have noththing at all to be ashamed of. So take aim you arseholes who think this country is for the needy greedy shit from all the world. I have news for you, before the end of 2010, there will be a change. Again, it is best to let the British People have their say.
More Tomorrow. Kind Regards, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"

Tuesday, 1 December 2009


I did telephone the Web editor to ask permission for this, so here goes.

            IS  A GROSS INSULT  TO 
              BRITISH  TAXPAYERS

If you could be guaranteed to win the jackpot on the National Lottery on Wednesday evening would you buy a ticket for it? It's a ridiculous question, of course you would.
   Let's put it another way. If you were born and grew up in one of the poorest and most violent countries in the world would you leave it if you became aware of an alternative country that was both relatively peaceful and would keep you in the lap of luxury for the rest of your days? Of course you would.
     So  who can blame Nasra Warsame and her husband Bashir Aden for enjoying to the fullest extent the largesse of the British welfare state? This Somalian-born couple and their eight British-born children are in receipt of an astonishing £1,600 a week in housing benefit.
      Mrs Warsame and seven of the children reside in a £1.8million London townhouse. It has six bedrooms-some with balconies-four bathrooms and three sitting rooms. Unemployed Mr Aden and another child live in a council flat nearby.
       The per capita annual income of Somalia is estimated at $600 (about £400). Average life expectancy is 48 years. According to the Encylopaedia Of The Nations, "the typical Somali house is either a cylindrical hut with a conical thatched roof or rectangular hut with an angular roof of thatch or metal". Presumably no balconies, then.

        Life in London also affords this couple, who have both been granted British  citizenship, full access to the National Health Service (Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, we have recently learned, does a widely- admired line in special baby care costing taxpayers £1,400 a day per infant but free to users from all over the world). Then there are all the other unemployment and family-related benefits expanded by Labour in its crusade against child povety.
         Cases such as that of the Warsame-Adens are at the extreme end of the spectrum but are far from uncommon. Most of us recall the equally shocking story of the Afghan migrant Toorpaki Saiedi, who was put up with her seven children in a seven-bedroom house in West London that cost more than £12,000 a month in housing benefit. Altogether her family had a taxpayer-funded income of £170,000. The average income per head in Afghanistan is $800 (approx£650) while life expectancy is 44 years.
         Let's return to the lottery for a moment. Remember that syndicate of overjoyed BT workers in Liverpool who won about £5million each a few weeks back? Well, their lives are no doubt being transformed as we speak.
         Let's assume each of them has had the good sense to invest the winnings prudently and secures a five per cent annual return. That would give each of them £250,000 a year to live on, about 10 times the average household income in Britain. How many of us would love to have such a thing happen to us?
         Yet for Third World immigrants with big families a much more dramatic lifestyle transformation is up for grabs. This nation is a guaranteed winning lottery ticket for them provided they can get in.
         The British State will pay them money at a level only enjoyed by the most privileged in their countries of origin. It will house them in conditions available only to warlords and princes back home.
         There are many countries in the world as poor as Somalia and Afghanistan: Ethiopia, Eritrea, Niger, Liberia, Burundi, Zimbabwe, ans Sierra Leone to name but a few. Many other very populous countries such as India, Bangladesh and Pakistan are only a little richer.
         No wonder so many people from such countries are so determined to penetrate our borders by legal or illegal means. Many die during the journey, drowned trying tocross the Gulf of Aden or the Mediterranean. Others live in squalor in French channel ports waiting for people-smugglers to spirit them to Britain.
         Given their desperate circumstances it is perhaps rather callous them "welfare tourists". But it is beyond dispute that there is an almost unlimited supply of them and that this country is already buckling under the strain. Hopelessly lax benefit rules based upon estimates of "need" rather than genuine entitlement are creating an enormously strong pull factor that reaches across the globe and draws a tidal wave of humanity towards us.
        These benefits jackpot cases have another severely detrimental effect. The already demoralised taxpayers of Britain, working the longest hours in Europe are struggling to stay afloat in the recession, are left to question their sanity.
         Why should they bother to be self-reliant when a life of leisure can be had simply by reproducing? Supporting the domestic underclass is one thing and it is truly galling to see them being kept in flatscreen TVs and the new season's football shirts while contributing little but delinquency in return. But finding your duty extends to the poor of other countries who pitch up in Britain is an outrageous imposition.
         Our political class tut-tuts such conclusions as being mean-spirited. It can afford to - most of its members also live in taxpayer funded luxury. For it to offer all-comers, via taxpayer funded benefits, standards of living far higher than those enjoyed by the vast majority of working people is a sign of its decadence and a betrayal of everything that made this country great.
  Thank you Patrick O'Flynn. It is a great relief to know that at least someone can read the lie of the land and has the courage to write it as it is.
Westminster has now had its day. Tomorrow I'm going to the local 'paper and I intend placing an advertisement for Taxpayers, employers and employees, to put together an alternative system of Public Service Funding, based on the County Council Structure. I did speak to the Business Manager at the Bank and they also think it now time to act. The advert' will be in next Wednesdays 'Paper, the 9th. Dec.
By the way, the Express and this article are at-:
Well past my bedtime, so I'll say good night.
Kind Regards, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"



             WEEP  AND  YOU  WEEP  ALONE.



(With respect to-: Ella Wheeler-Willcox )

Yesterday, Monday the 30th. of November, I had some spare money to hand, so I paid a visit to the Bank in Diss, South Norfolk to make a deposit. While there, I asked to see the Business Manager for a quick chat. I explained that I thought the time might be right for an attempt on my pet subject, changing the system of  Direct Taxation across the Country.
I explained that any serious attempt would need to be made after the Christmas festivities. But it might be for the best, if we tried to catch the mood just now with a glimpse of promise for the New Year and so the one off advertisement for the benefit of all employers and all employees, to counter the absolute nonsense of Golden Gordon's £10Billion give away to all and every third World Country, and some who are not so third World. Yet only a few days ago, three or four at the most, it was announced that £Millions of £Pounds of Taxpayers money has gone missing from another Multi £Billion £Pound fund. Now theres a thing, who would have thought these good people would steal all that money that is supposed to be for poor people.
So.With a walk down Mere Street, I entered the office of the Local 'Paper and I was seen to by Richard Spratt. He explained things to me, the cost and other bits and pieces, and now I shall be going back tomorrow, Wednesday, to place the add' and pay the damages. Enough for now, one or two things I must do. Regards, ATFlynn,
  "Norfolk's Mutineer"


Monday, 30 November 2009

Time to Start the End Game. Kick Westminster and the Clown's into the Long Grass

On the ninth of February 2008, I sent this email to Tim Aker at Taxpayers The Subject title is, Suggestions to alieveate pressure of rising costs on Mortgage and Taxpayers.

 The original was sent to -:
 For the Attention of, Chris Walton
 Democratic Services
 South Norfolk District Council
 Long Stratton.

First, thank you for allowing me to address this meeting. It is not my intention to be objectionable, but I do intend to point out the possibilityof legally changing the way that Direct Taxation and P.A.Y.E., is paid to HMRC. The system as it now operates, is very expensive. In 2005/6 you the poor old TaxPayer, coughed up a staggering £487billion. £1.3billion each day. (TPA. figures.)

The year 2006/7 looks like it will have confiscated at least £600billion. And if the TaxPayers do nothing, there is no end of it. Ever onward ever up. We will have the answer next month.

I know that in a legal sense, it is not possible for the District or the County Council, to encourage the TaxPayer to defy what is a lawful demand from Central Government. And I have no desire to disobey a lawful demand. But it is legally possible to circumvent any request in relation to any demand for the payment of Direct Taxation. In fact, it is legally possible to remove enough Taxation from the jurisdiction of the Government, that the TaxPayer  would be in a position to dictate all spending policy of any Westminster Government.

So we now come to the reason for my request to speak. Public spending and Public Services cannot be ignored as a civil society must be maintained and paid for. My argument is with the nonsense that masquerades as governance.
The only way to achieve the successful conclusion desired by the TaxPayer, is for the TaxPayer to control the Amount of Public Money available for Public expenditure. That will only happen if the Parish, Town, District and County Council were to act as the collectors and Treasurer of the Public Revenue.

In re-building the financial system, the one objective, like the cardinal point of a compass, is to make sure that the Low Wage earners, are kept out of Taxation until their weekly income is above £500. And all pensioners are Taxfree including Free from paying Council Tax.

In conclusion, my request is very simple. It is that you do not object to my campaign for a system of Taxation that is intended to increase the Working TaxPayers earned income after Tax is paid. Allowing that worker to maintain a standard of living and pay off his mortgage.

To finish, I must say that it has been very generous of you all, to allow me to address you tonight. It is my belief, that the economic fiasco we are in, could take some ten years to overcome. In 1985, I believe it was, the House of Lords warned of today. I forget the details but they are still available.
I am much obliged to you all.  Regards, A T Flynn   "Norfolk's Mutineer"

Friday, 20 November 2009

An Explanation, in part, for the Telegraph Letter.

I was looking throu' some old letters and cuttings from the early 1990s this morning and found one or two quite interesting bits. And as we now have a new President of Europe, I suppose joining the armed services to Fight for Queen and Country, is no longer a lawful act. It will have to be, Fight for President and United States of Europe. I don't think I could swear an oath for, or even to that.
Now it seems we are going to have an Election very soon, so remember this, there are only three ways to go;  Abandon the LibLabCon Trick. Then start with the British National Party, first choise. Next, United Kingdom Independence Party. And thirdly, Don't Bloody bother. Tell me, what the bloody good is Westminster now? There will be no more pretence that we are a Sovereign Country. We are now on a par with the Isle of Wight. (No disrespect intended.) In which case, why should we bother electing another bunch of Kippers to sit in Westminster twiddling their thumbs? Or for that matter employ the millions of Whitehall Staff that cost £Billions of £Pounds to employ every year. We can quite easily manage with a governance based on a County by County structure. And a bloody site cheaper than Whitehall. Massive savings all round, what are we waiting for.
I have the money available, it isn't mine, but a very large International Bank is prepared to fund this. Another thing, this is not a commercial venture. Yes, you will be paid, but this idea is for the benefit of working Taxpayer and the Country. There aint no bl***room for Politics except Parish and Town Councils the district and County Councils. Sod that silly game of Party Politics, thats what has caused this total nonsense.
There is another website that has more information about my past and it also has clear contact information, it is-:         

Enough for now, please join mein this, at my age, 75 in January I need some younsters to show me around the Technology. Oh yes, the promise of funding was first made in 2004. I have made sure the funds are available every year since then.
Kind Regards, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"


Dear Sir, I have written to the Sunday Telegraph on the same subject but my letter was not published.
As Boris Johnson almost wrote on the 23 rd. July, total control of this country from Brussels is the object of that Empire. Westminster collaborators may sugar the poison pill but it is still poison and will kill every aspect of the British way of life.
So far the City is keeping its head down. If they think they can keep their powder dry I believe they are in for a shock. They will be over run without a shot being fired. The Bank of England is to be the whipping boy, and while all attention is focused on the arguments in London we will discover that Frankfurt is dictating the future of our monetary policy. Simple, not a shot fired in anger. Goodbye the City as we knew it, hello command  economics in a new suit.
It is a fact that the people of Europe have no control at all over this nightmare. Freedom and choice are not on the menu, the majority political activists are all of the same sickening post war, happy clappy whacky baccy stupidity. They are going to hell together.
                           THIS IS OF COURSE ONLY MY OPINION.
I can think of only one answer to this problem, take their pocket money away. It is not illegal to avoid paying Taxes, in some cases it is a religion, many people worship at that shrine.
I will put together a simple set of instructions, perfectly within the law, that circumvent 80% to 90% of all Government Taxation, but not Local Authority Tax.
Boris Johnson makes the Scottish and Welsh referendums sound almost quaint. Something only those two peoples have  an interest in. I have news for Mr. Johnson. Do you seriously think the English will sit there with there heads in the clouds while the Scots and the Welsh have their hands in the English pocket? Never Mr. Johnson.
I have no objections to their asperations, only think on this: does the question go far enough? Surely England have something to say on the subject, after all would it be fair for England to pay the dues of Great Britain into Brussels? While Scotland have the power in law, to reduce their Taxes at the expense of English Taxpayers, and would not Wales be forever after more "resources" to build their nightmare.
I say, no you silly fools, if you think you can crack the cork and let only part of the genie out of the bottle, you are mistaken. Its all or nothing.
And so I say, goodbye Great Britain as you disappear into the pocket of Evlyn Waughs,
Belgium ticket collectors never to be seen again.    THE END.

Wednesday, 18 November 2009


Time to wake up the Taxpayers. I did write a comment for the Telegraph news paper yesterday, only they wouldn't publish it. I think it was a comment about a Simon Heffer article. Still, that was yesterday.
Now, I remember that I have posted similar arguements about  now, being the time when Westminster has reached the end of the road as far as our Day to Day governance is concerned. And that our Local County Authorities should take command of our Taxation, provide all our Public Service requirements, including Health, Law and order, Education and Provide and Pay for all the Welfare that is necessary, health, happiness, prosperity and wellbeing. In addition to this, if those bumholes at Westminster want to import any more immigrants, they, the MPs., had better find some very well paid work to do. Because they are the ones who will have to pay for them. The Taxpayer is going on strike over welfare for immigrants and asylum seekers.
Another thing, as there will be only a little work for the HoC. and the HoL. about 172 MPs. in total is all that are needed.(That is English MPs.) The House of Lords would need about the same. Only I think it would be much better if we returned to the real Hereditary meaning of the High Born who's purpose is the Wellbeing of the Realm and the subjects of the Crown.

By 1999, I was well into the immigration and asylum troubles that had begun to take place because of the Home Office changes at that time. To begin with, immigration could only take place by visa. And just 80,000 a year were allowed. But this Government abandoned all these restrictions and started opening our boarders to all-comers never mind any check on how many in or how many out. Now today, because only head of household is counted as an immigrant or asylum seeker, it is quite probable that Britain now has a population of immigrants and others, totalling some TWELVE Million. Europe as a whole, has some 53 Million islamic immigrants. (There is an article in the Express archives with details.)  That is why the budget for Benefit Payments is now a staggering,
£190 Billion Plus. Now at a stroke, that should be reduced to a small fraction of that sum. Without the money, many of these people would depart in a flash.

I have already mentioned the House of Commons and the House of Lords, but I come back to them now. If you do as I suggest, and take control of Direct Taxation away from Westminster, 90% of Whitehall will no longer be needed. And as it costs you Taxpayers some £90 Billion each year to pay that (almost) useless lot, think of the money you will keep in your pocket instead of theirs. There is more of this to take note of, but just now is time for tea. I'll be back tomorrow, promise. I must convince you lot that you shouldn't just roll over and submit to that bunch of creeps who pretend to know what they are doing. And we must put a stop to Brussels, as "Jonesy" kept saying, "They don't like it up'em."  See you tomorrow.
Regards, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"

Saturday, 14 November 2009


These last two weeks, the Spectator has had reports about the Labour Party the Soviet Union. On the 7th. of Nov' it was, "Labour's Soviet Secrets." Then this week, the 14th. of Nov', it is, "Kinnock and the Kremlin", with secrets revealed by, Pavel Stroilov.  
Have a look at the Magazine for the 7th November and again today, the 14th. the story tells you everything you need toknow about "Left Wing" politics since the bloody year dot. Next, please let me insert a couple of links, I'm not capable of those smart links or even short links, I have to use the whole ball of wax.

 Here goes;

I have posted comments on five articles, but the most important thing is the way opinion is moving away from Westminster and looking for an alternative. Yet there is only one way to go. The Taxpayer has to take complete control of all Government spending. If you do as I suggest, there is absolutely nothing Westminster, Politics or Politicians can do to stop you. You, who have been forced to pay ruinous amounts of money to keep this bunch of crap in office, must now take your money beyond the reach of this bunch of fraudsters.

Earlier today, I was working out what it would cost to collect the Taxation as I imagine the way it should work. I came to the conclusion that at 50pence a week for each Taxpayer, would work out at £7million, and certainly not more than £8million each week. If you are like me, you can almost taste the savings. I can assure you, my intention is to allow the Taxpayers to use their ability to do as Margaret Thatcher said,
Government spending and Government Economics, are only House Keeping. As banal as that might sound, it is absolutely correct. And if you ever meet my wife, you will understand in an instant, just what I mean. Enough for now,
Regards to all, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer".

Tuesday, 3 November 2009


This is only a short remark, I want to see what the news has to say about Cameron and his cop-out.
As it now stands, there is only UKIP. and BNP. worth voting for. The alternative is, don't bother. Why waste time as well as money voting for the crap at Westminster. I must say though, I do feel sorry for a number of MPs. But it does look as if most of them kept quiet while others took advantage. And no one spoke out against it. Even now, they still demand you pay what they say you owe in Taxes, and all the time they have to be always aware of the fact that these bankers and these money men, are the same business contacts who will pay the expence and all the costs of the next election. Hoping to pick the winner so that they get an easy ride for the next four or five years and make another few millions of £Pounds or $Dollars.
Enough for now, time for a cup of tea. Kind Regards to all, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"


Ah yes, I remember. (while I think of it. Yesterday, I must have spent some ten or twenty minutes trying to increase the font size. Complete waste of time. Today, no problem it worked first time. Why???)

Strange isn't it, how things work out. I had chosen page Four of yesterdays Daily Express and an article by Padraic Flanagan entitled, "Millions face a £540 hike in bills thanks to meddling eurocrats". Well, I don't know, but take the case of wind turbines. A total fraud. Each turbine will cost the Taxpayer, £600,000. Then the on shore ones will cost another £20,000 for every year in ground rent, then the cost of building the access for installation and maintenance. worked it out yet? Every Ten Turbines cost you Taxpayers £6 Million. And these "People" in Westminster are talking in thousands of Turbines. Oh! By the way they might work, but I can guarantee over their complete lifetime, they will only ever work for about 25% of the time. And to cap it all, you are going to need either or both, Coal Fired generation  and N-Power generation. It is a total fraud intended solely to extract more money from the punters.-: 
I would suggest you go to the Express and have a look. Another reason is the comments from Matthew Elliott, chief executive of the  TaxPayers Alliance. He is rather more correct by saying, " The EU's  Emissions Trading Scheme is a stealth Tax, that imposes large costs on ordinary  consumers." the URL-:  

Then go merrily along to page 18, and Donna Bowater's article, "£20 Million for Foreign Children. The poor Lady has only got part of the story. And that is only the short end. She didn't get around to all the countries of North Africa, then India and Pakistan, then on to the Philippines and all places East. Only last year, I believe it was, there was a report of the £90 Billion paid out in benefits of one sort or other, to many countries in all parts of the world. (This is one of the main reasons for you poor bloody Taxpayers to take control of the entire Public Service Finances and the funding of such. You do not have to pay any money in direct Taxation to Westminster.)

But not to worry, the whole Global economy is at it. Cheating the punters and the poor bloody Taxpayer, again. Not just my opinion, have a look at this, from a very prestigious Research Investment and Advisory Group. This link is just one paper, but go to the Website as well.
Enough for now, I'll be back later to add to this.
Kind Regards, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"

Monday, 2 November 2009


Still the silly tomtit expects people to vote for a Con', or should that be, another Con' party?
Me? There are two or three alternatives, UKIP., BNP., or just don't bother to vote. I'll see how things look at the time. But one thing is for sure, the LibLabContrick won't get a look in.
NEXT. Have you seen the daily Express today? If so, any comments on Leo McKinstry's article on page 12 ? For those who don't read the Express, and after all, it is an acquired tast, especially if you are used to reading the Telegraph, Guardian, Daily Mail or the even lower orders of the print media. Still where were we?
The title of Leo Mckinstry's article is-:  "Our vain socialist elite is oblivious to suffering at home". And then it goes on -:  "The more rapidly our nation declines the more vain our ruling elite becomes. During the last twelve years, Labour has presided over the longest recession in history, an unprecedented rise in violent crime, the destruction of our national identity, two unnecessary wars, a breakdown in social cohesion, a collapse in educational standards and the degradation of our enviroment.
Yet the socialist politicians responsible are hitting new heights of self-importance. Far from showing contrition they become increasingly extravagant in their rhetoric and grandiose in their scheming. They cannot deal with benefit fiddlers or teenage yobs but they have an array of utopian plans for combating climate change, world povety and international terrorism.
Gordon Brown is a classic example of this pattern. He has proved one of the worst prime ministers in history, a bullying, neurotic incompetent who has  ruined the public finances. Yet he arrogantly struts from one summit to another, urging us to cheer him on a global mission.
Only last month, in a typically vainglorious move, he described the countdown to the forthcoming Copenhagen summit on climate change as "50 days to save the planet". Such absurd language is indicative of the mindset of the Left-wing politician, aiming to portray the summit's participants as heroic crusaders battling to rescue Earth.
Depressingly much of the media takes this bombast seriously. The Danish gabfest is a monument to political conceit. Its only achievement will be to give control freaks more power over our lives. Brown's deadline for planetary salvation is completely arbitrary, as if we are all doomed if politicians do not reach a deal by a fixed date.
As they preen and posture on the global stage the Labour Cabinet is all too reminiscent of the old Soviet politburo, which constantly trumpeted its ability toto create utopia at some distant point in the future, even though Russia was engulfed by oppression, economic crisis and bureaucratic paralysis. Like the Soviet bosses Labour ministers are full of talk about five year plans and radical social engineering projects, summed up in Harriot Harman's sinister phrase about creating "a new social order". In the present, however, they cannot even deliver a functioning postal service, clean hospitals, decent rail network, or a justice system that protects the vulnerable.
But it is precisely because our politicians are so inept that they love to indulge in delusions of grandeur. International summitry is a form of psychological displacement activity. Pontificating at conferences gives them a chance to escape the realities of failure.
Surrounded by fawning assistants, whisked between luxurious hotels, they dream they are important people rather than despised mediocrities. That is also why they adore trans-national organisations such as the UN, G20 and EU. Indeed the European Union, with its byzantine structure and cocoon of privilege, is the perfect arena for narcissists. Last week at the Brussels summit Brown and his Foreign Secretary David Miliband boasted of getting the EU. to agree to set up a new fund to help the developing world fight climate change.
But it is ridiculous to present this as a British triumph. The EU has always been eager to waste public money on politically correct causes. In this case the fund will swallow  between £20Billion and £44Billion, money that could be better spent at home, especially amid warnings of cuts in public services because the national finances are in a mess.
Vanity is the true impulse behind the drive for EU intergration. The creation of a United States of Europe is nothing to do with meeting public needs. It is all about making EU leaders and bureaucrats feel big on the diplomatic circuit. EU fanatics always speak of the need to "challenge China" as a global superpower. Personally, I would rather have my bins emptied properly and my council tax bill reduced.
In a telling comment last week, Miliband said Tony Blair  should be the first EU president because Europe needed a figure who "could stop the traffic" in the worlds capitals.
Blair is egotistical enough already. A politician who truly cared about his country would be more interested in keeping the traffic moving than halting it. It's this sort of thinking that can be seen throughout our public life.
The police talk about the fight against "organised" crime but it is the disorganised crime that really blights our lives. Instead of puffing themselves up as worriors against a global underworld network they should put more officers on patrol to tackle muggers and drug peddlers.
Similary Labour keeps telling us that blood-soaked war in Afghanistan is vital for the struggle against Islamic terrorism at home. Yet by destroying effective boarder controls it allows thousands of radical Muslims, many of them illegal immigrants, to settle here.
Instead of sacrificing brave troops in the Afgan desert  ministers should bring in a programme of deporting illegals. It is equally ridiculas to spend £8Billion a year on overseas aid, much of which props up corrupt regimes, when the neglect of the elderly is rife at home.
In a democracy the government should deal with the needs of its own people. But public service is a meaningless concept to our current bunch of grasping egomanics.

I intend to add my own postscript to this most impressive diagnosis by Leo McKinstry.
But it will have to wait until the morning. There is also material on Pages, 4 and 18, all of it to do with the absolute wastage of Taxpayers money.

Sunday, 1 November 2009

The 1st. of November 2009. The end of the Old World and the Beginning of the New.

I have spent all morning getting to this point. I've got a Brother printer and try as I might, I cannot increase the print size. the only answer is to add the URL -:      Then there is another link, but this one is a bit of a killer. Ready,  URL -:
It is a website named Europe's World, I think the 27 Countries each had a hand in choosing the numbers, there are 38 of them.

                                           AND NOW FOR THE FUTURES OUTLINE

Just about the first reports out of yesterdays meeting in Brussels was the DEMAND for more money from the poor bloody Taxpayers. What a bunch of absolute Crap that we now have roosting in the Offices of Government and the Legislative Councils of the once Great Nations of Europe. And all they can think about is how they can get more of the money out of the pockets of the Working Taxpayer.
And guess what, even America has now joined the race for the scrapheap. Rather, America's          Politics of the left, have joined in and the poor old Taxpayers now being ripped off at a magnificent
rate. Like the poor old Brits, who are paying out "scrapage" money to help the sale of Auto's, that money, again Taxpayers money is being given away to foreign Manufactures. But you must always remember, America has an Ace in the hole. In fact, the way the Markets are moving, they probable have a pair of Aces.
Please forgive me, I'm wondering off course. The reason for that is the overwhelming and prodigious
amount of debt that now exists in the world when only fifteen years ago, or so it seems a house, the biggest item you will ever purchase, cost about £40,000, £50,000 or not much more than that. I remember reading that in Ireland, the same quality of property at the same time, was costing the equivalent of £500,000. That was when you knew it was falling apart. There was no going back for recovery.
That was yesterday, now we have only Government spending and printing more money with
which to make good the awful damage this Government in London, has done to this Country.  That is why I call upon all working Taxpayers in Britain, and all those others in the European Union proper, to abandon their Elected Politicians and avoid paying any direct Taxation. Start your own system based on your Towns and your villages. I don't know about the Continent, but here in Britain, there is absolutely nothing to stop you building your own alternative system.  Try It.  What more have you got to lose??         Regards, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"   
That other URL -:      The report I refer to on that site is dated,
Saturday, October 31, 2009.  The Title is -  The Most Undervalued Currency in the World.
                                                                            by   Bryan Rich

Remember, just because you elect some of these people, does not mean they OWN you. It is your money and it is your world.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Hour After Hour, Day after Day, the Waffle goes on. But Not One Word is Believable.

Day two of the third waffle week of this years LibLabContrick's, and their promises of how they intend to put right, all that bloody nonsense the Gay Gordon has left for you poor bloody Taxpayers to pay back. Let me assure you, there isn't one person living in this Country today, who will live long enough to see an end of it.
Now have a look at todays Daily Express.    On page seven, there is a story of migrants in Calais being flown home to Afghanistan with both France and Britain paying the costs. On the other hand, the Conservative Conference is talking about changes to the Welfare payments. As well as other benefit payments. Then look again at the size of the Benefit Budget, some £193 Billion. This is why there isn't any money to build Prisons, Properly Equip the Armed Forces. Why we must cut our FLEET of Nuclear Submarines, that is Deep Six, just one of them and make do with just a fleet of THREE Subs. What a bloody nonsense. (I have to keep using that expression, my disgust and loathing at the total stupidity of Westminster and most of its members makes me want to use stronger language that would be offensive.)
So !!!! My little old victims of the Westminster Wireworms, that serious pest of the Westminster underground, there is only one remedy for this infestation of worms, remove the food sourse. That is to say, take away the Taxation that sustains these pests and then we can control them. Before I forget, this morning I heard on the TV., that we, the British Government that is, are paying the United Nations some £20 or Thirty Billion a year. From the way they keep issuing orders in our direction, that is a total waste of Taxpayers money, it should be stopped at once.
Enough for now, Regards, ATFlynn, Norfolk's Mutineer"


Why is it that every time I increase the font size, as soon as I start to type, it reverts to size; SMALL. Or bloody small. I'm an old man, and I need a bigger font size so that I can see my mistakes. You silly buggers.
I have wasted far too much time buggering about with this, I'll post my comment on another website. This is just a total loss.

Saturday, 26 September 2009


I must apologise for this, I'm having a bad time just now. Now, the point where we left off; Only this morning, the BBC. announced that the Gordon Brown Gov' was going to introduce a car parking Tax on all suppermarket shoppers at a stroke. Each Supper Market, would be charged some £600 a year, for every parking space, this cost, would be added to the BILL as you pay for your shopping when you leave. Don't go, there's more. Every time you pay any money into your Pension Account, it looks almost Good. Bloody nonsense. The Pensions providers and the Gov'. are ripping you off for the minimum of some 40/45 % At the end of the day , you might as wel have put your money o0n the favourite at Epsom, on Darby Day. Much more fun.

NOW THEN, Enough of this, please, tell me what is the answer to the total nonsense that drips from the rear end of Westminster???? All of those Members of Parliament, 464, or some such figure. I don't know. But I do declare that I know what to do to Establish Democracy in this Country, again. SOVEREIGNTY is our first objective, once reclaimed, it must never leave a man standing while others oppose the WILL OF THE PEOPLE. Believe me my friends, this is your bloody money, they are stealing it from you. IT WAS EVER THUS..


Sorry about this, but I am well adrift with this update. I did start to explain the ins and outs of the Globalisation on my Facebook site, but it became sidetracted.
The gist of it was the fact that the population of the world has to earn enough money to afford to buy the goods that they produce. That puts the developed world in a position of "Paymaster". Your Taxes, as paid on a weekly or monthly basis are then thrown into the pot and ladeled out to all and sundry that turn up. Only those that stay at home are paid as well.
However, it has come to the notice of some of the money men and others, (Opposition Politicians.) that Taxpayers money is being misused. But then, just this morning

Tuesday, 8 September 2009


Tuesday, September's Parish Council meeting this evening. It has been one of those days. The Silly Old Meadow Lady has got a cob on, she isnt the most talkative of Meadow Ladies at the best of time, but today has been ******, shall we just say, one to forget.
Thursday, I'll be at court for the hearing of Barbara Lockwood's case. I did leave a comment on one of the Guardian articles about allowing the Lockerbie bomber Megrahi go, so that there was at least one cell empty in Norwich Prison just in case.
It has just turned a quater to Five in the afternoon, and the wife has the evening meal on the table so I had better go and eat before it is given to the dog. I'll see if I can get back to this later. There is so much change on the financial sector, you can't take your eye off of it for more than an hour at the most.
Back as soon as possible. Regards, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"

Saturday, 5 September 2009


I have now spent at least two or three days working on an arguement against Taxation. It is so bloody obvious that the next Gov', can only survive by massive cuts in spending. And the write down of public service spending and future pension s. Or the posible mass unemployment that looks to be Westminsters answer.
Ask yourself, "Why, oh! Why, is our future now so worthless" ???
The answer is just a simple, "The politicians, as ever, wanted it thus. (Arguements were there none.) You want contact URL's ? You can have them.
When you look at the World all over, Nowhere is there any comeback against the order of the State that, Banks and other financial organisations should come under the absolute control of Politics and Politicians. Now that should make you sleep sound in bed at night. Shouldn't it ???
Like me, you should be secure in your support of Westminster. But never forget, there are times to support an Opt -out, big time. And in my opinion, now is your last chance to kick this lot of garbage, Westminster garbage, into the arms of every MP.. who voted for it. Then give the lot of them a good kicking when they fail. As they will. Regards, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's mutineer"

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Additional Information .

I did add a link to another website that is one of the best I have seen when it comes to financial information. It is-: http:// then look out for : The Weiss Global Forum.


I'm afraid that Europe or even America has very little to offer in the way of a settled or prosperous future. Unless the entire spending programme of the American and European Governments are abandoned, Business, Industry and Manufacturing will not have the capital to risk and alongside of that the overheads and Taxation, costs prevent any chance of exports or of expanding their market share. Meaning that there is no profit in employing a workforce that is priced out of the market even before they open the doors or turn on the light at the beginning of the day.

The Western World has but one chance. And that is to remove the outrageous cost of their Governments and their administration. Then, with just the Banks and the Business and Industry Directors to manage them, they will be able to compete for profit and reward with just about anyone in the world. Europe and the Western World could be back in Business tomorrow.

I have spent the last few days posting comments on the Guardian, Telegraph and my favourite, The Daily Express. But looking at the product, I believe the print media, newspapers, about half of them are for the "chop". And do you know what ? The sooner the better. The next thing to bring to heel, will be the BBC.

Thats about it then. Except for the fact, that if any of you want to have a go at setting up an alternative system of Direct Taxation on a County Council basis, get in touch and I'll see about the financial support that is needed. You will find a contact point on the profile page.

Regards, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer".

Friday, 14 August 2009


I have just completed the second 'phone call that has enlisted the third person to our initial Bank meeting. This is to explain our objective and how it is intended to construct an alternative system of Local Taxation that over-rides any attempt by Westminster to impose any type of Direct Taxation.

I would go as far as to suggest, that what is proposed, is a system of Public Service Funding that is usable across the whole of the European Union and some other parts of the world.

I must now put together the outline of the agenda for our first meeting and then post it here. This is going to be a system that the Taxpayers control, it is only right and proper that they know all about it.

Over the weekend, I'll post the agenda and any comments you Taxpayers want to make, you can. And as I have said, we will begin with just three of us.
I'm hoping to get some feedback from this, given time. But come Monday I will need to start recruiting Businesses and Companies to see if we can enlist them.
Until then, I will need to get quite a lot done, so, Regards, ATFlynn,
"Norfolk's Mutineer"

Saturday, 1 August 2009


Over the last few weeks, June and July, I've waited for the bank fraud to break. It's there. Just waiting for the word GO. As it is still quiet, I must concede I could be wrong. But somehow, a feeling in my water tells me a shooting match is on the cards.
Today is the 1st. of August, what next in these last 22 Saturdays of the year. At any moment now, part of the global Economy is about to collapse. And when it does, you the silly bloody Taxpayers are in the chair to pick up the pieces.
Well, let me tell you ONE more time, that money is yours. It does not belong to a bunch of useless crap at Westminster, you have every right to abandon Westminster and begin an alternative system of Taxation, that you, yes, you, the poor bloody Taxpayer, is in control of.
As the Law stands, only Westminster is legally allowed to impose Taxation upon the working population of this Country. But if you look again at the detail, you will find that you, the working Taxpayers are in a position to object to that system and impose your own system of Taxation on a County by County basis. This approach to the legal obligation of Public Service Financing, has only now been explored owing to the abuse and misuse of the excessive Taxation upon the working Population.

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

What now you arseholes!!!! I have taken time to explore this piece and that piece and examine the protruding bits and pieces that are the future of our economy plus the number of people that are employed on a regular basis, but still, this Political circus continues. How many bloody times must you people be told, it is not Legally necessary for you Taxpayers to continue to pay any demands from Westminster for the payment of Taxation. Change the way you work and are paid, alter the way you recieve your income and more or less tell this, or any other bunch of bastards, "I'm not paying any more Taxation to you lot of Fraudsters."

There is absolutely no reason for you to pay them another penny in Taxation. Set up your own system of Taxation on a County by County basis, and pay for all of your Public Service functions on a Local basis. It isn't bloody Rocket Science.

Now, get yourself organised, and show these Politicians just how it should be done.

Regards, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"

Saturday, 27 June 2009

have you Bumholes lost your bottle

How many of you silly buggers read the Daily Express every day ? I know, there are a number of days the paper annoys me as well. But what is the alternative ?
Sorry my friends, but earlier this afternoon, about 1400hrs. I put together the records of my arguement about the very sad state of our Politics today. And now at 2030 eight o'clock in the evening, the dog is sleeping on the pile of Exprexx news papers and I'm left with a wife sleeping as though there is no tomorrow, when it comes to the washing up, I'll remind her. She hasn't done it.

Sorry my friends, but I must call it a day; I did start at about 0300hrs this morning. And now to crown the whole bloody event, the wife is awake and in full flow. I'm off to bed.
Good Night my Friends, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"

FROM THE BEGINNING; By Quentin Willson. The Spectator

And so a window opens, and as awakening from a dream, these words echo from the walls. These words, amongst others, disturb my thoughts of tomorow-: Awake for morning in the Bowl of night , has flung the stone that puts the stars to flight. Or even this. A Loaf of Bread, a Jug of wine, and you beside me in the wildernes, and wilderness is Paradice anow. Or even this-::::, The moving finger writes, and having writ moves on, nor all thy piety nor whit shall lure it back to cancell half a line, nor all thy tears wash out one word of it. Such beauty in so little effort. Such love for mankind in so few moments. Such simple things that make our world the viable and only universe we will ever know.
Now take time to examine the utter nonsense that an awful lot of Politics and Governments, insist you, you the poor bloody Taxpayer, are responsible for and must pay for, then do as I suggest, and abandon all central Government demands for the payment of Direct Taxation.
Have a look at this for an alternative:- The following is from the DAIRY of Quentin Willson, as published in the Spectator, 27th June 2009.
" It used to really bother me. Sitting in what I thought was the presence of greatness, I'd leave hugely under-whelmed. Top people in the top jobs who seemed to be rubbish. I even used to tell myself off. Intellectuall snobbery, I self- scolded, is a smugcharacter flaw. But the sneaking suspicion that lots of important people were actually really useless wouldn't go away. I internalised my doubts until they squelched. For years I listened patiently to their patent nonsense. Heads of car companies, television commissioners,private sector chief executives, council bosses and entire government departments all seemed to speak in a language strangely detached from meaning. So many acronyms and abbreviations, so many clumsy invented words, so much tosh and flannel signifying nothing. Why did they all talk such blue-sky tripe?

That is but the first part of the entire page of the SPECTATOR Magazine. And worth every penny. That is if you can stand some of the bits and pieces. Still, I've just sent off another cheque for another year. Must be bloody daft, or something.
Whatever next. It has taken me fifteen minutes to set this colour. What chance when it comes to setting the fuse for man kind ????
And now the end is near, and now we face the final curtain,
My friend I say it clear I state my case of which I'm certain,
I've spent a life of this I've traveled each and every highway,
But more much more than this, I did it my way.

And now, and now again;;; All I want to do is show you, you the silly Bloody Taxpayers, how simple it is for you:::, you, yes you the little people, the "Ordinary People", as Blair the Bastard, used to call you. But what next ???? First, sit down with a cup of tea, or even a large glass of Whisky or even Whiskey, and think of your tomorrows. Yesterdays are long gone. Tomorrow is all that counts.

It must be my age, I was born on the 19th January 1935. I feel as if I'm 90, it must be the whisky. It's a bit of a bugger when you end up being older than the whisky you are drinking. There aint much future in that!!!
Still, I did have thoughts of much to say of this Sojourn amongst the be-wildered and lost tribes of Great Britain and Europe. There is only one thing you need to know;

Sunday, 14 June 2009

Once Upon A Time We Had a Gov' at Westminster.But now our Government

But now our Government resides in Brussels and is a bunch of unelected Commissioners.
Mandelson and Chris Patton were both commissioners, and with their monster pensions, from Brussels, Westminster, HoC., and the HoL., then again from Oxford University that man must be picking up some £5.000 a week.
I have been watching the BBC, "The Politics Show." Is it just me? or are all these people walking backwards to the very edge of a cliff? Think about these things for a while and see what answers you come up with.
FIRST: Back in the middle of the 1990s, there was 500.000, family farms in the UK. Today there isn't even 100.000. And then here in Norfolk, Suffolk and Part of Essex, there was at one time, 2000. Dairy Farms. Today there arn't even 200.
I can't tell you the figures, I've given up because whenever I have mentioned this in comments posted to on-line 'Papers, much of the time I get a reject. Except for the Express.
This, I believe is going to be one of the biggest disasters in years.
We have closed many of our Coal Fired Power Stations and now our Nuclear Generaters are on the way out. From where I'm sitting, I can't see enought time left to build any replacements. Which means we will have to rely on French Nuclear Power across the Channel. Or buy lots of candles.
As with the food, electricity is no longer in our control. Brussels has really got us by the BALLS this time. But then, it was always the plan by Westminster.
Yesterday I was talking with Barbara Lockwood, a pensioner from Hellesdon just north of Norwich. She is due to go to court again soon, to object about the increase in council Tax. In the last ten years or so, the Tax has increased by 130% but the pensions increase has been just 30%. The Old lady is refusing to pay the increase. And she is quite prepared to go to jail to make her point. Then again, they let Murders out to kill again. That is the Stupidity of our Politics.
I have been saying for some years now, that people just leaving school or colledge or Uni', should not pay any Taxation until they are earning at least £500. a week. That is what it costs these days these days to live. Then of course, people who are retired, and on a pension, would get the same treatment. But to get there, the welfare State would need a complete over-haul. And as with Westminster, I wouldn't let any Politicions within a mile of the place while it is being worked on, except for Frank Field. Thats the only man who knows what is needed.
Enough for now, but remember, this is your Country, the Politicians and the Civil Service do NOT have ANY power, only what you allow them. Any time you want to change
the Status Quo just let me know. It is only a simple manoeuvre.
Kind Regards, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer."

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Why My Last Comment Is so Badly Put Together.

I did start early enough, but I got caught by a thunder storm and the PC was knocked out twice. Once I got it up and running again, I hurried the comment.
I wanted to have a little go at the Print Media. Until now, the Guardian has been as good as gold to me. And I have posted comments about Taxation on their website many times. I have also mentioned the fact that, even with their objection to Tax Avoidance, the fact that the Guardian also takes very large strides to avoid Taxation as do others, like Sir Philip Green, only he avoids Billions of £Pounds Sterling. Me ?? I have absolutely no objection to that at all. Every one should take steps to avoid paying any money to Westminster or any other Gov' Office.
Any way, because of the Guardians rejection, I have now logged out and shall not bother with them again. This is where the threat to the existence of the Press begins. Not that long ago, I used to buy the Telegraph, seven day a week. Then the Daily Mail. Without abusing the Editor, I could within reason telephone and talk to
Mr Dacre. The man was always a Gentleman.
Then there was the Guardian, probably three days a week. And of course, the Daily Express, seven days a week. But all of that has changed. I don't remember the date, but at one time my Paper bill was £12.50 each week. Today it is only just over the £2.00 a week. The Telegraph was the first to go. How many of you now remember that Quentin Letts use to work for the Telegraph ? Again, I think it could be about half the Daily Papers that will go to the wall. And considering their Editorial Policy, they deserve to.
Like the Accountants, and Auditors, only E&Y took the trouble to examine my proposals regarding Taxation Policy. The other three were making too much money with consultancy and other services in the many different Gov' Departments. You Little People, or as Blair was fond of calling you, "Ordinary People", have almost no chance with that lot at Westminster about to re-write the rules and then change the way MPs are elected. But let me tell you this, today, with all this technology, you can run rings round any Politician who steps out of line. You can dictate to Westminster and Parliament what you are prepared to do. What you are prepared to pay in the way of Taxation. And you will have the choise of saying how many MPs you are prepared to pay for and how much you are going to pay them. This is YOUR COUNTRY and this is youe bloody money. Legally, the only Taxation that is enforceable, is the Local County Taxation in the area of your Home.
OH!! and by the way, this goes for America as well as the Poor Old Taxpayer across the whole of the European Union.
Now,I would suggest that these 'Papers, get their smelly stuff together and start thinking about the future. Because it's time for the People to take control.
Regards To All, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"


Yesterday,the Guardian newspaper, printed an article by Hugh Goodacre entitled, "The Globalisation Illusion". I thought it was very good and left a comment to say "thank you". I also left one or two other comments that supported the article, including a speach made in the House of Lords in 1987 or so, and a link to find the report plus a copy of the speach should anyone wish to read it. Well, the Guardian would not publish my comment.
So this morning I logged into the Daily Express and left a comment there. I explained my concern is the fact that a number of News Papers are worried about the fall off in advertising revenue and have said as much. But still the 'papers pretend that they are National Daily 'Papers, when in fact they are nothing more than the Governments propaganda sheets. And none so much as the Guardian. What with all of that Ad. money. Still, never mind, it's only Taxpayers money!
Do you know, I would be most greatful, if one or two of these daily rags, would just take time to look at their archives. In the early 1990s, there used to many stories about Rivers and agricultural policy. these comments, printed in the 'Papers, talked of the change in River maintenance especially dredging. Here in Norfolk, out through Redgrave Fen towards Cambridgeshire, the river bed was dredged to a normal winter level, only for the maintenance crew to be ordered to refill the bed with ballast to leave only a shallow level of water. You can imagine what happened. For the first time ever recorded, that part of Cambridgeshire was flooded. It isn't because we are having more rain to that extent, it's because everything these Politicians touch turns to dross. Well thats one word for it.
It has just been announced that the end of the recession has been sighted, and yet no one has got even a glimps of the hyper inflation that is about. This bunch of **** at Westminster, that calls itself a Government, has allowed, encouraged even begged, all these immigrants and asylum seekers here. Some Twelve Million and more. That means, since 1997, our economy has had to expand by at least One Fifth. That amounts to Twenty percent inflation over the last twelve years. Marvelous how the Gay Gordon managed to keep the lid on the truth and we all believed inflation was only 2% or 3% all this time. By the way, figures will be produced about this in the next two or three weeks, where-as inflation is on the point of 10%, we will be told that it is below four percent.

Now, as I have said many times since I first wrote to Barclays Bank in 1996, about Taxation, if you want to change the system, let me know. County by County, you can simply abandon Westminster and start again, with a system of Public Service Funding imposed by the Taxpayer and administered by the Parish, Town, District and County Council's. MPs should be reduced to a maximum of Four to each English County.
Scotland, Wales and N/Ireland, would need to join the system, or go their own way.
Until we recover our Sovereignty, Westminster, Whitehall and all of our Elected Members of Parliament, are just toothless pieces of Crap.
Regards, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"

Monday, 1 June 2009


I was not going to do this, but after listening to the BBC. castigating UKIP on the Daily Politics programme, I've changed my mind.
Me, I am totally against the European Union. Westminster had no right whatsoever giving away our Sovereignty to that bunch of crap at Brussels. And yes, that does include those British members who think that the euro and all things Continental amount to a Wet Dream. People like Mandelson, Chris Pattern, Lord Brittan and some of the other Bumholes who can't get enough of that bunch of crappy Politicians across the water. Don't get me wrong, I spent much time in Germany, France, I used to work for Comex, then Spain Portugal Italy, where I worked for a shipping Co. Oh! yes, must not forget one of my all time favourites, Holland. Nothing wrong with any of them except their Politicians.They used to be so much worse than anthing we produced. But now, I understand they, the Europen Politicians, come over here to learn the tricks Westminster and Whitehall have devised. Enough of this waffle, down to the nitty gritty.
I take it that most of you who intend to vote on Thursday, will Vote for UKIP or the BNP. there is no other choise. The Lib-Lab-Con-Trick has shot its bolt. Cameron says he will allow a referndum, then he says he won't. I'm convinced he is not to be trusted. I wouldn't vote for him or the Party, as long as he leads it. I shall vote UKIP. or BNP., and in the local Election, I will vote for my usual rep', Bev Spratt
he has served us well in South Norfolk, and if it wasn't for Westminster and the Bloody Treasury, (and of course the Chancellor) Norfolk would, or at least might get the funding that it should be entitled to, all things being equal. Time to get some tea. I'll see how things go, and I'll get back to this tomorrow or later.
Regards, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"


I have been reading the Daily Express and in particular, Leo McKinstry, "Our political class is the problem, not the solution." Sub-titled, "It's like the Mafia taking charge of law and order".
How right he is. Only on Saturday, when I was looking for comments to use for this chapter in my appeal to the common-sense of the British Taxpayer, did the words cesspit, stench and pollution come to mind, along with others. But then, what we are seeing and reading about is only part of the criminal activities of Westminster and Whitehall. Who now remembers Quinetiq ? Or the sale of the Inland Revenue buildings ? Or the fact that at least two civil servants became Millionaires overnight by this activity ?
Don't take my word for it, go to-: and read todays 'paper. Another thing, go to my profile and link to- Money Money Money you will find I was saying then, in 2005/6
exactly what Im saying now. Have a look at todays editorial, the changes made in 2001 and 2002, regarding gov' Pensions. And remember who told Wanker Brown it would not hurt the Private Pension Industry if he raided the Investment returns and took some £5. Billion a year out of the Private Pensions Funds. Remember, it was "Redadair" now Lord Turner.That was after he left the CBI. Blair and Brown found a hole for him, as they did, or at least Brown did, find a hole for Digby, now Lord Jones. I offten wonder where the money comes from to run the CBI. the IOD.(The Taxpayers?) When I spoke to Ruth Lee, by 'phone I must add, she said, "we are winning the argument with Gordon Brown. Taxation is being reduced and Red Tape is being rolled back". That was when she had the top job at the IOD. They still hasn't recovered from her tenure.
The next problem to hit the man, Brown, is the fact GM (Motors) will be taken under German control. They are the ones to put up a very substantial amount of money to protect their jobs. The rest of it, GM Europe, will migrate East to that part of Europe with much lower costs. I would think that overall, it will mean about another million people out of work and on the dole. Still why worry, all or at least most of these politicians will be gone next year if not before. Imagine, they are spending a little more than £2Billion Each Day. £14 and more Billion Each Week. I will admit,
£2Billion a week goes to Brussels. £150something Billions is Benefit's money.
£100Billion is to pay for the NHS. and the multi-Billionaires it has spawned.

If you, any of you, think that allowing them to change the system or re-write the rules will make one iota of difference, think again. Within a week or two they will be back to their old tricks. THE ONLY ANSWER IS TO TAKE THE MONEY AWAY FROM THEM.
Start another system that is controlled by the Taxpayers. Use the Parish, Town and District Council with the County Council in overall control of Administration.
Enough for now, time to watch the Daily Politics Programme.
Regards, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"

Saturday, 30 May 2009

Another day Another Dollar, and all of it Taxpayers Money

While I do not intend to cast aspertions upon the American Economy, what with GM going bankrupt and much more to come here in Europe, it does seem to me that only the poor old Taxpayer can now save civilisation from total collapse.
Well, the bumholes we elected here in the UK. have done their best, I think the intention was to stich the UK. into the European Union to such an extent that we could never regain our Sovereignty.
What I can't understand is the benefit to the Taxpayers of the whole of Europe, if we allow this nonsense to endure or continue to exist. Already, this bunch of EU. Bumholes have, or seem to have, allowed some 53 Million Islamic immigrants and asylum seekers to settle across Europe. And we are now witnessing the turning point where the patience of the indigenous population is overwhelmed purely by the weight of numbers. Fifty Three Million and rising.
Many years ago now, or so it seems, Terry Wogan, on the BBC. Radio, used to joke about "Gatport Airwick", and the fact that it had its own system of immigration policy. It sold entry visa's to whoever could pay for them. And this was in the 1970s
Yes, he made jokes about it on the radio, almost every morning. But the joking stopped once one of the Immigration Officers was Jailed for Fraud. I do know it was one. But it might have been more than that. Still on a Par with the HoC and the rest of the CRAP at Westminster and Whitehall. Oh. By the way, please go to my Profile and link to the, Money Money Money title. It is my posts from 2006.
Kind Regards, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"

Tuesday, 26 May 2009


What next for the print media also. For some time I have posted comments on the Daily Telegraph, but for some time now they have allowed me to post on the MyTelegraph, but comments place on articles or editorial, have just been deleted. So I gave them a hand and remove a lot more. Sod 'em. And then the Daily Mail starts the same trick. I have just logged out of that rag as well. I'm still using the Daily Express and the Guardian. By the way the Mail did have one last story link I would advise you to visit,-:
It gives an example of just how corrupting the European Union can be.
Westminster has now shot its bolt. Since it abandoned my, well yours and mine, plus all the other English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh mans Sovereignty, there dosen't seem to be anything to hold the Country together.
I notice that today Barack Obama or rather the Fed' and others are now saying that the idea of a bail-out has not worked. It would seem that this idea of throwing good money after bad has failed. I don't know who first suggested it, but Gordon Brown in Westminster has claimed the credit for it, so what now for McBrown the Clown ? David Cameron is pontificating about changes to Westminster and this and that, but really has no idea what he is talking about.
The Country is not that far from total Bankruptcy and he talks as if the cricket match has been cancelled. I don't know, it seems that billions of £Pounds Sterling has been given to the Banks, but still they are foreclosing on peoples mortgages. And most of these Banking people were in place when this all started.
There is only one answer left now. And that is for the people, the Taxpayers, to take control of the system, and that includes the Welfare State. As I have been suggesting for some years now, we just cannot afford all these freeloaders. And as the Express pointed out last week, the British Taxpayer is paying £1.million a time to send aircraft into France to repatriate the immigrants and asylum seekers from there. The home grown ones, it seems, we are keeping. Well, to pay for them, we had better use the money that would normally be used for the payment of Westminster and Whithall. I believe that amounts to many £Billions of Pounds. They are the silly buggers who caused the mess. They can bloody well pay for it.
Enough for now, it has been avery long day. Kind Regards to all, ATFlynn, Norfolk's Mutineer"

Thursday, 21 May 2009


I was trying to remember some bits and pieces from a few years ago and I had a look at the remains of an old BBC. Action Network, website. The URL. is,
At the bottom of the Intro' Page in a link, "actionnetwork". There are some post dating from 2005. Have a look,it shows I was predicting todays problems as far back as 1996, I have the letters I wrote to Barclays Bank, and other Banks. And I have their answers. The Title of the 'site is of course, "Sovereignty Politics,Taxation".
All things Bright and Beautiful.
Only yesterday, the Daily Express had an article by Ann Widdecombe, that contained a reference to this, Sovereignty that is. It goes like this-: "We have to choose whether we want to integrate further into the EU. or attempt to hold the line at the already high level of absorption we have reached. We have to decide if Britain should be ruled from Westminster or Brussels and Strasbourg. Either we have some fight left in us or we do not. The Conservatives say we have but Brown has given up defending our Sovereignty. UKIP is not the answer to any of this. It will never form a government but the Conservatives can and must and will then need their people in place in Europe as well." She goes on to say some other odds and ends about Brussels, Westminster, the Labour Party,,,,, just about all of it nonsense. It is the Lib-Lab-Con. trick that has created the whole bloody shooting match. And Westminster it was, gave away our Sovereignty. Only this morning, it is announced that Brussels is to insist that Lloyds Bank, begins a break-up and sell of, of Departments. This will cost the Taxpayer some £Billions of their Tax Money. Laugh, I almost fell off my chair.
If you look at that link I put at the beginning, go to-: Sir Ronald Cohen :
Midas with a Mission; Posted on-: 12th. May 2007.
There is another piece, "The Golden Paradigm" that dates back to 1987, and is a forecast of the financial melt down. I had this posted on the BBC. Website and they claimed people were not able to avoid the Northern Rock and other problems ? Well then, how about the coming storm ? America, Germany, France and the rest of Europe. Hold on to your Hollyhocks, this could get as nasty as anything ever will.
Whatever, the one thing you must always remember, America has massive Oil Reserves. Europe has none. The US$ is the Worlds dominant currency. And one last Ace, America also has, Probably, the largest Gold Reserves in the World.
And Gordon Brown still says, Britian is well placed to weather the storm.
Time I had a comfort break.
Regards, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"

Wednesday, 20 May 2009


It was my intention to post a very considered comment here tonight. But needs must. The poor old cat needed my attention for an hour or two and the dog had to be fed. The wife ? She needed to be avoided.
I must admit, I did spend much time watching, listening and reading about this that and the other, but even so, the fact that the world is facing the most horrific melt down in the next few weeks, and apart from Westminsters Politics looking up each others back passage, the world seems almost normal.
Today is wednesday, 20th. May 2009. By the 25/6, I expect to hear of two or three Banks in Europe folding, going under. By the end of May, it is possible that another million or two workers will be layed off, out of work and on the dole. But that is only the beginning.
The next big one; the one that provides about 50% of our Tax income, the City of London, is on the very edge of melt down. It is about to Go Off Shore. Operating here is now so expensive, the LSE. will end up east of the Med', China
even. The Labour Party at Westminster is about to go nuclear and destroy the lot. America is also about to be shafted. Wall St. has played some wrong 'uns.
Enough for now my beauties, time for a large one and then off to bed. Good night and Kind Regards, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Whatever next, I have spent most of today adding bits and pieces to this blog, and then just a few moments ago, I lost the lot::: what next for bad language and desparation. Or arguments that are based on a time that is older than half the population of the world ?? If I said, "go back to the 1970s/ 1980s, and looked at the Local Newspaper reports on River maintainance and Fishing Club reports as to the standard of bygone years and the Stupidity of the Newage EU Directives, many of you will understand the problems of Flooding today. This is not "New, not Global Warming or Global anything. It is just another nonsense dreamed up by arsehole Politicians in their attempt to purloin even more money from your pocket.
But please, please, please; let me point out; "You have it within your power, to abandon the system of Taxation as imposed by Westminster. As do the Taxpayers of Europe and also the Taxpayers of the United States of America. Let me say this once more, and only once more, "This is your bloody money, Politicians must adapt their spending policy, or policies, so that they match the money or funding available. They should not construct their Spending Policy, and then adjust their Taxation Policy to pay for their stupidity.
ME. ? I can only say that it is within your remit to tell Westminster what to do, but it is whithin your power to adjust your income so that: YOU, YES YOU, : are in the position to dictate to Westminster, just how much money you are prepared to allow Westminster to remove from your income. As I have said, I am now Seventy Four years old. My last ambition is to die a pain free death. And some mornings I admit that I am not that well pleased to awake at all.!!!!
But then others are in a much more advanced state of "meltdown than I am. (I believe)
Enough of the doubts... Enough of yesterday.... Tomorrow.. The Future.... Abandoning The Past...
But the future ? The future? Where do we go from here.
Please start with the BASIC's. What price food in the near very near, future ??? It would seem that the United Nations is intent to make an entire nonsense of the availability of foodstuffs. Today is the 6th Day of May. In fact, Wednesday 5th. May 2009. What a bloody day,???? Why have we, we,
the little people; those who would allow an honest governemt to govern, been subject to this absolute GLOBAL nonsense ??? WHY why why. I can't for one moment believe that all of you , you arseholes, believe that you have NO VOICE, to broadcast the fact, you have no sympathy with this or that VIEW. YOU ARE ENTITLED TO WHATEVER VIEW YOU SO DESIRE, BUT YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO EXPECT ALL OF THE TAXPAYERS TO FINANCE YOUR DISABILITIES OR ANY OTHER CHOSEN WAY OF LIFE YOU WISH TO ADOPT.
THERE ARE MANY PEOPLE THAT I WISH TO ACKNOWLEDGE, ( back to the almost normal.) Please foregive me, but I did lose almost 24 hrs. of what I believed to be, part of the Banking and the financial nonsense, that I believe will last another generation. (((( There is the possibility that most of this could be negated. That is managed. But what is going on at the moment, is just about an absoloute denial of the facts..
Would it be in order to ask, "how will it be possible to return to a normal Banking arrangement that works in the intrest of the """Customers"""/ and still allow the banks to recover the nonsense that is lost to bad practise. (And all that Debt Debt Debt,)
There is much more of this to say, much more to allow you, yes you the victim of this bloody political nonsense to place before the VOTERS, and I say why should it be expected that you, YOU, the Working Taxpayer, who is the only real victim of the Westminster and also the Washington , WHY THE BLOODY HELL SHOULD YOU, ME OR ANY OTHER SILLY BUGGER, BE EXPECTED TO PAY FOR THIS TOTAL NONSENSE OF A aaa, WORLD ORDER.
Remember, you are paying..
There is more, much more. Back again tomorrow/ Regards ATFlynn, Norfolk's Mutineer*

Tuesday, 5 May 2009


A long time ago, 1970 to 1976, I was working for Oceaneering International and we were based in Singapore. I remember reading an article in the Herald Tribune about the introduction of Automobile Manufacture in South Korea.
There was this argument about the locals being able to earn enough money to buy the cars produced. This discussion was going on about Africa as well as other parts of the Far East. This was my first introduction the idea of Globalisation. How it must be possible for the Population of the least developed parts of the world, to earn enough money to buy these products that other parts of the world had to produce so that they had the income to be able to be part of the consumer population and then part of the Global economy.
As things stand now, this very day, the world seems to have hit a brick wall. For ten years, here in Britain, the government has expanded the economy and increased the money in circulation to the extent that the entire Banking and Financial Industry is now in grave danger of total meltdown.
In the meantime, Politics has come up with another scam to defraud the Taxpayers of money. This is the Global Warming Fraud. As we are now producing an abundance of just about every domestic gadget imaginable, some sort of occupation is needed to employ as much spare labour as possible. So it is decided we will build thousands of wind terbines and instal Wind Farms. And at some £600,000 a time, these turbines are a good start. Then of course there is the cost of the site to errect them. At £20,000 per annum for the site and then the cost of errection, the whole bloody exercise is just absolute nonsense. And will cost you Taxpayers many Billions of £GB.
I'll come back to this later, if not tonight then Tomorrow.
Until then, Regards, ATFlynn,"Norfolk's Mutineer"

Thursday, 23 April 2009

St. George's Day. And the Dragon's are still at the Palace of Westminster.

I know I have been saying this for some years now but, the alternative to you, the poor old taxpayers taking charge of Taxation, is nothing short of total collapse.
What is the true state of immigration ? How many asylum seekers are living in the Country and how much money is it costing the poor old Taxpayer ? I have just looked at a letter,dated 25th. March 1999. It is from "Future Business Security", Room GW53, Quarry House, Leeds, LS2 7UA. It is a part, or rather, was a part of the DSS and had a function to do with Visa's and immigration but it was part of the Conservative control of Fraud Stratagey Branch at the Adelphi Buildings, John Adam Street London. At this time, total immigration was kept to 80.000 a year.
Robin Cook was at the Foreign Office, Jack Straw was at the Home Office and David Blunkett was making a proper balls-up of the NHS. Cook resigned (?) Jack Straw went to FO. and Blunkett to the HO. At the end of the first year, Blunkett had thrown out the rule book and allowed 250.000 immigrants into the Country. Well just with "pocket money" the £40 or so each week, that is a lot of money. Then there is accomodation "services, water light and heating" plus other costs. Sandy Bruce-Lockhart, Leader of Kent CC. at the time wrote and asked me how these People Smugglers made a profit, I explained that the housing and food cost per person, once a landlord had housed the immigrants, came to £319 each week. Three immigrants = £957. a week. In Slough they have, or had, three bedroomed houses with Thirty immigrants, thats just on £10.000 a week. Not bad for a buy to let mortgage. And you poor old Taxpayers were paying the Bill.
That was that side of the problem. And as we had now imported some Millions of Immigrants, (It could be as many 10 Million with asylum seekers.) the next problem for Gordon and the Treasury, was Expanding the Economy and the money in circulation to be able to pay everyone. When was the last time you saw figures for Money in Circulation ??
There is one other vast problem that Politicians ignore, and not only Politicians.
The BBC.never mentions it. And all of the print media ignore it as well. Newspapers like the Telegraph and the Express. I mention those two because I have posted both of them a copy of a PFI. contract. I believe it was in 2003/4 that I sent the copy. It starts off as a £129 Million Hospital with about 900 beds. And even though we are told again and again, that it is a twenty year contract, Page Three has a paragraph entitled "How long is the contract ?" and it states;- The original contract term is 60 years from the date of completion (14 August 2001)- ending 14th. August 2061. As it stands, the Hospital has been re-financed once, on the 14th. August 2006. The cost of re-financing was an additional £116 Million. Making a total at this five year stage of:- £129m + £100m + £116m =
£345m. In addition to this there is a "service charge" paid every year. The figure I have is £37.6m. This figure is adjustable every 12 months. I have lost count now, but I believe there are some 7 or 8 Hundred contracts just like this in existance. You, the Poor bloody Taxpayer, is looking at nothing less than the NEXT ONE HUNDRED YEARS of paying off the Blair Brown bandwaggon.
Your only answer is to do as I suggest and take control of the Economy. Or at least Taxation

That was then. Today is the anniversary of Saint George, Patron Saint of England and now is an excellent time to suggest that we, or rather you, the Taxpayers of England, make a new start. Let me assure you, there is nothing to stop you changing the way you work and are paid, so that Westminster cannot enforce any demand for the payment of Direct Taxation.
It is also a very simple manoeuvre and once you have control you will find that County by County you will be making the Rules and Setting the Rate of Taxation deciding what the threshold is.
There are also one or two things from the past that need resurrection. Years ago a "Tax Code" took account of a persons responsibilities and allowed a reduction in Tax required, to cover these Family Expenses. Today, a very expensive Tax Credit system is used. All that really does is create more work for Taxpayers to pay for. A nonsense.
As I say, this is meant as a system to roll out across the 43 (?) Counties of England. Scotland, Wales and N/Ireland must decide if they want to join in. Now the finances to start this are available, at my age 74, I find it hard enough getting about, but I would love to make a start here in Norfolk, I have spoken to Daniel Cox, Leader of the Norfolk CC. and I believe he, and some others, are sympathetic to this idea, so my beauties, lets be 'aving you.
Kind Regards, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"

Monday, 20 April 2009


Do many of you remember the remarks of Quintin Lettst, of the Daily Mail, formally of the Telegraph. (when it was an original newspaper and worthy of its position.) Or are you like me, and couldn't give a toss.
Today I have posted a reply to a "story" published by the said 'paper. But then, as with the Telegraph and the Express, these 'papers do not have any confidence in their own future. Like the BBC., the ITV., ITN., and all the others, if you insist on publishing the crap that is the menu of the lower order, all you will get is the support of the lower order. That doesn't pay the bills.
Earlier today, I took the trouble to travel back along the road the BBC took to abandon so much of its beautiful past, only to suspect that most of the faults were deliberate.
Do any of you now remember that man, ????, John Bert, now, I believe Lord Birt of the blue skies. He took the job, at I believe some £500.000 or £600.000 a year. It could have been as much as £700.000 a year, as it is today, whats money, the Taxpayers have an abundance of it. Any way, John Birt took the job and worked as an off-shore Company, having his income paid into an off-shore company account. Now don't get me wrong. There is nothing illegal about this. But after the publicity, the system was changed. I am of the opinion that, any other Company or business, and John Bert would never have been named or identified.
So, let me say to you again, and again, and again, this is your bloody money. Yours.
So my dears, and my dearies, take Bloody good care of it. Don't let those bastar**** rob you when your back is turned or you are on the john.
Enough already,I'm off for a very large whisky.
Kind Regards, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"


Today is the 20th. of April. On Wednesday 22nd. the Budget is reported at Parliament. What next for this beknighted Country ???
Have you, like me had just about enough of this Pantomime Politics as now practised at Westminster. Never mind the Bl**** Party, just about every one of the silly buggers are clowns. Never mind the fallout, "ITS ONLY MONEY" and the Taxpayer is going to anti up for that. We make the Tax Laws here in Westminster.
Today, I have just read the, Daily Express; the Daily Mail; the Telegraph. Some years ago, I used to read the Telegraph as first choise. The Daily Mail second and the Express third. Now, I buy no more than four Newspapers each week. Today, Monday, I have bought the Express and the Mail. In the last hour, I have tried to post a comment on the Mail. Nothing doing. In the last few weeks, about four or five, the Mail has refused to accept any comment I have made. I see no reason why I should waste any more time. Likewise the Express and the Telegraph.
It is expected that a number of print media will fold this year. Here in England, I would expect at least five or six Daily Papers to go. And then the Locals ?? Sad to say, they offer no alternative either in Local News or in any attempt at a national coverage. Here in Diss, we have the Express, that is published by the Johnson Press in Scotland. As it stands, it does us proud. But it does its best to avoid Politics. And Politics are about to kill it off.
Unless that is, you join me and make an attempt to rescue our Democracy and Retrieve OUR SOVEREIGNTY from the Dung Heap of Brussels. WHO'S WITH ME ???
Kind Regards, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"

Saturday, 18 April 2009

Reference to Another blogspot
This blogspot, explains how the little people are ripped off on a regular basis. How the "ordinary" people are just so much fodder for unprincipaled Company and Business Directors. In addition to the corrupt Commercial World, there is then the totally Corrupted Political World.
I'm sorry, time I have to go shopping. So my wife says. Back later.
Regards, ATFlynn "Norfolk's Mutineer"

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

The G20, Golbal Economy and now the circus is back in town.

I was looking at the problems about to arrive in the Private Pensions industry. Again. Only this time it could be terminal for many poor buggers soon to retire here in Britain and I'm betting America will be even worse.
When you look at the trouble these Politicians have created, think of the promises of the G20. Then read about the Billions of £Pounds Sterling you poor bloody Taxpayers are going to pay that Indian owner of Jaguar LandRover and again, possibly another bale-out of Nissan. You will understand, these Jokers from Westminster and Whitehall, are the same Jokers who caused the whole bloody mess in the first place yet NO ONE is calling Foul on this nonsense. WHY ??
Then there is the Guardian Newspaper, up in arms about Tax Avoidance and off-shoring
your income to avoid paying the ruinous demands from Gov'. I take it that most, if not all of you know by now that the Guardian also uses off-shore Tax Havens to avoid paying the full amount Demanded by HM. Gov'. As do Tesco's who placed the ownership of some Millions of £Pounds of Property off-shore and I would expect them to now be charging Rent at some top whack so as to move money beyond the Taxmans reach. Me ? I have absolutely no argument with any of that. If we, the British, had a simple straight forward system of Taxation, there would be no Bloody need for anyone to Avoid Taxation.
My suggestion is that every Taxpayer in Britain, both Employer and Employee, should change the way they work and are paid so that the Taxpayer ends up in full control of Taxation. Don't laugh, as I see it, it is possible for the American Taxpayers and then just about all of the European Union Taxpayers, to join this way of being Employed and paying Taxation.
This is the First Chapter of this Explanation. Tomorrow I will explain the next step.
But I will say now, in 2005, it took me just half an hour to secure the Funding to beging this process. It has taken since then to generate this much interest. And much of that is because of the total stupidity of Westminster and Whitehall.
Enough for tonight, Kind Regards until the morning. ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"

Tuesday, 17 February 2009


At my age, 74, there can't be too many tomorrows left. And there was I sitting here thinking of many years ago when I would get up each morning and every new day was an adventure. Now, every morning is the beginning of a new Nightmare.
It is my opinion, that unless you Taxpayers take control of Taxation, you are done for. Before many more months go by, this Country will be bankrupt. Already the Gay Gordon has an off book debt of some £2000.000.000.000 or more. Only yesterday, I posted a comment about it on the Daily Telegraph website, but they removed it. I did point out that some two, three or even four years ago, I posted a copy of one of the PFI contracts to the Telegraph, and when that received no action, I sent it again. I had been asked to provide it. I also commented on some correspondence I had with Neil Collins, City Editor. I have made comments about this on the "Your Telegraph" page, but it looks to me as if the DT. is going down the Swannie. I don't think it will see 2010.
I notice David Cameron MP. is now going on about "Local Democracy". More power for the County Authorities. But of course, that isn't quite what is intended. They want you to elect local Mayors. And of course, all the extra expence. What I would suggest is a simple County Council structure and a purely local Economy. Here in Norfolk, all we really need is four MPs at the most. Elected here and paid here. None of that nonsense you get at Westminster. And why have that lot of rubbish at Whitehall ? why pay for that nonsense ?
Earlier today, I came across a "pamphlet", the author is Patrick Barbour, (I hope he will forgive me) Chairman of two public companies, Barbour Index plc and Microgen plc
He is a Trustee of Civitas and was one of the three founders of Reform. The Pamphlet title is "Better Government". The opening introduction is-: " The current system of government in the UK is failing because it is fatally flawed. The system needs changing - regardless of the party in power - to prevent the UK from becoming a third-rate country. This paper deals with the structure of government not the ideologies of political parties."
The Panphlet was published by The TaxPayers' Alliance, in January 2007.
The TPA Tel. No. 0845 330 9554 ask for a copy.
And if any of you readers want to take action against that half arsed bunch of Pirates now at Westminster, go to and contact me. The only thing I can promise you, is that in the end it will save you a great deal of money. All I want to show you, is how to set up an off-shore Bank Account that Avoids Taxation. For every £10 you pay now, you will only ever pay £1 in the future.
Kind Regards, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"