Tuesday, 17 February 2009


At my age, 74, there can't be too many tomorrows left. And there was I sitting here thinking of many years ago when I would get up each morning and every new day was an adventure. Now, every morning is the beginning of a new Nightmare.
It is my opinion, that unless you Taxpayers take control of Taxation, you are done for. Before many more months go by, this Country will be bankrupt. Already the Gay Gordon has an off book debt of some £2000.000.000.000 or more. Only yesterday, I posted a comment about it on the Daily Telegraph website, but they removed it. I did point out that some two, three or even four years ago, I posted a copy of one of the PFI contracts to the Telegraph, and when that received no action, I sent it again. I had been asked to provide it. I also commented on some correspondence I had with Neil Collins, City Editor. I have made comments about this on the "Your Telegraph" page, but it looks to me as if the DT. is going down the Swannie. I don't think it will see 2010.
I notice David Cameron MP. is now going on about "Local Democracy". More power for the County Authorities. But of course, that isn't quite what is intended. They want you to elect local Mayors. And of course, all the extra expence. What I would suggest is a simple County Council structure and a purely local Economy. Here in Norfolk, all we really need is four MPs at the most. Elected here and paid here. None of that nonsense you get at Westminster. And why have that lot of rubbish at Whitehall ? why pay for that nonsense ?
Earlier today, I came across a "pamphlet", the author is Patrick Barbour, (I hope he will forgive me) Chairman of two public companies, Barbour Index plc and Microgen plc
He is a Trustee of Civitas and was one of the three founders of Reform. The Pamphlet title is "Better Government". The opening introduction is-: " The current system of government in the UK is failing because it is fatally flawed. The system needs changing - regardless of the party in power - to prevent the UK from becoming a third-rate country. This paper deals with the structure of government not the ideologies of political parties."
The Panphlet was published by The TaxPayers' Alliance, in January 2007.
The TPA Tel. No. 0845 330 9554 ask for a copy.
And if any of you readers want to take action against that half arsed bunch of Pirates now at Westminster, go to http://www.atflynn.co.uk and contact me. The only thing I can promise you, is that in the end it will save you a great deal of money. All I want to show you, is how to set up an off-shore Bank Account that Avoids Taxation. For every £10 you pay now, you will only ever pay £1 in the future.
Kind Regards, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"

Thursday, 5 February 2009


I had another go at leaving a comment on the Daily Telegraph today. No problem at all. It must be me. For about a week now my comments have been refused. The other thing is, the Guardian has also been refusing my efforts.
Anyway, I saw a part of the BBC. TV. News, about the HoC. Select Committee questioning
Journalists about the reporting of the Banking fiasco and meltdown. And of course the journalists defence. As usual, the HoC., was trying to get the Journalists to accept blame for stirring the pot and frightening off the investers and the money, and destroying confidence in the financial markets in the City. One of the people being questioned was Robert Peston of the BBC.
A couple of years ago, I posted an article on the BBC. Actionnetwork about this very subject. Now, if you go to-: http://www.atflynn.co.uk you will find at the very bottom of the page a link to "Actionnetwork". There, when you scroll down, you will find an article Titled, The Golden Paradigm. This is the speach, by Lord Beswick in the HoL. in 1985, about Banking and the abuse of the money supply, debt and other bad habits of the Money Men. Oh Yes!! and the suggestion that we were on the road to ruin. And this is 1985. If you have a look through the content of some of that link, you will see that four and more years ago, myself and others were convinced we were heading for a brick wall. Next, anyday now, certainly by April, May, the European Union will collapse. The nonsense of the ECB. and other unaccountable "Committees" will create so much debt that the cost paid by the half a dozen members who actually fund the whole fraudulent circus will break another half-dozen Banks.
There is about four to six weeks to go before the big bang. Keep your head down.
Regards, to all, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"