Saturday, 30 May 2009

Another day Another Dollar, and all of it Taxpayers Money

While I do not intend to cast aspertions upon the American Economy, what with GM going bankrupt and much more to come here in Europe, it does seem to me that only the poor old Taxpayer can now save civilisation from total collapse.
Well, the bumholes we elected here in the UK. have done their best, I think the intention was to stich the UK. into the European Union to such an extent that we could never regain our Sovereignty.
What I can't understand is the benefit to the Taxpayers of the whole of Europe, if we allow this nonsense to endure or continue to exist. Already, this bunch of EU. Bumholes have, or seem to have, allowed some 53 Million Islamic immigrants and asylum seekers to settle across Europe. And we are now witnessing the turning point where the patience of the indigenous population is overwhelmed purely by the weight of numbers. Fifty Three Million and rising.
Many years ago now, or so it seems, Terry Wogan, on the BBC. Radio, used to joke about "Gatport Airwick", and the fact that it had its own system of immigration policy. It sold entry visa's to whoever could pay for them. And this was in the 1970s
Yes, he made jokes about it on the radio, almost every morning. But the joking stopped once one of the Immigration Officers was Jailed for Fraud. I do know it was one. But it might have been more than that. Still on a Par with the HoC and the rest of the CRAP at Westminster and Whitehall. Oh. By the way, please go to my Profile and link to the, Money Money Money title. It is my posts from 2006.
Kind Regards, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"

Tuesday, 26 May 2009


What next for the print media also. For some time I have posted comments on the Daily Telegraph, but for some time now they have allowed me to post on the MyTelegraph, but comments place on articles or editorial, have just been deleted. So I gave them a hand and remove a lot more. Sod 'em. And then the Daily Mail starts the same trick. I have just logged out of that rag as well. I'm still using the Daily Express and the Guardian. By the way the Mail did have one last story link I would advise you to visit,-:
It gives an example of just how corrupting the European Union can be.
Westminster has now shot its bolt. Since it abandoned my, well yours and mine, plus all the other English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh mans Sovereignty, there dosen't seem to be anything to hold the Country together.
I notice that today Barack Obama or rather the Fed' and others are now saying that the idea of a bail-out has not worked. It would seem that this idea of throwing good money after bad has failed. I don't know who first suggested it, but Gordon Brown in Westminster has claimed the credit for it, so what now for McBrown the Clown ? David Cameron is pontificating about changes to Westminster and this and that, but really has no idea what he is talking about.
The Country is not that far from total Bankruptcy and he talks as if the cricket match has been cancelled. I don't know, it seems that billions of £Pounds Sterling has been given to the Banks, but still they are foreclosing on peoples mortgages. And most of these Banking people were in place when this all started.
There is only one answer left now. And that is for the people, the Taxpayers, to take control of the system, and that includes the Welfare State. As I have been suggesting for some years now, we just cannot afford all these freeloaders. And as the Express pointed out last week, the British Taxpayer is paying £1.million a time to send aircraft into France to repatriate the immigrants and asylum seekers from there. The home grown ones, it seems, we are keeping. Well, to pay for them, we had better use the money that would normally be used for the payment of Westminster and Whithall. I believe that amounts to many £Billions of Pounds. They are the silly buggers who caused the mess. They can bloody well pay for it.
Enough for now, it has been avery long day. Kind Regards to all, ATFlynn, Norfolk's Mutineer"

Thursday, 21 May 2009


I was trying to remember some bits and pieces from a few years ago and I had a look at the remains of an old BBC. Action Network, website. The URL. is,
At the bottom of the Intro' Page in a link, "actionnetwork". There are some post dating from 2005. Have a look,it shows I was predicting todays problems as far back as 1996, I have the letters I wrote to Barclays Bank, and other Banks. And I have their answers. The Title of the 'site is of course, "Sovereignty Politics,Taxation".
All things Bright and Beautiful.
Only yesterday, the Daily Express had an article by Ann Widdecombe, that contained a reference to this, Sovereignty that is. It goes like this-: "We have to choose whether we want to integrate further into the EU. or attempt to hold the line at the already high level of absorption we have reached. We have to decide if Britain should be ruled from Westminster or Brussels and Strasbourg. Either we have some fight left in us or we do not. The Conservatives say we have but Brown has given up defending our Sovereignty. UKIP is not the answer to any of this. It will never form a government but the Conservatives can and must and will then need their people in place in Europe as well." She goes on to say some other odds and ends about Brussels, Westminster, the Labour Party,,,,, just about all of it nonsense. It is the Lib-Lab-Con. trick that has created the whole bloody shooting match. And Westminster it was, gave away our Sovereignty. Only this morning, it is announced that Brussels is to insist that Lloyds Bank, begins a break-up and sell of, of Departments. This will cost the Taxpayer some £Billions of their Tax Money. Laugh, I almost fell off my chair.
If you look at that link I put at the beginning, go to-: Sir Ronald Cohen :
Midas with a Mission; Posted on-: 12th. May 2007.
There is another piece, "The Golden Paradigm" that dates back to 1987, and is a forecast of the financial melt down. I had this posted on the BBC. Website and they claimed people were not able to avoid the Northern Rock and other problems ? Well then, how about the coming storm ? America, Germany, France and the rest of Europe. Hold on to your Hollyhocks, this could get as nasty as anything ever will.
Whatever, the one thing you must always remember, America has massive Oil Reserves. Europe has none. The US$ is the Worlds dominant currency. And one last Ace, America also has, Probably, the largest Gold Reserves in the World.
And Gordon Brown still says, Britian is well placed to weather the storm.
Time I had a comfort break.
Regards, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"

Wednesday, 20 May 2009


It was my intention to post a very considered comment here tonight. But needs must. The poor old cat needed my attention for an hour or two and the dog had to be fed. The wife ? She needed to be avoided.
I must admit, I did spend much time watching, listening and reading about this that and the other, but even so, the fact that the world is facing the most horrific melt down in the next few weeks, and apart from Westminsters Politics looking up each others back passage, the world seems almost normal.
Today is wednesday, 20th. May 2009. By the 25/6, I expect to hear of two or three Banks in Europe folding, going under. By the end of May, it is possible that another million or two workers will be layed off, out of work and on the dole. But that is only the beginning.
The next big one; the one that provides about 50% of our Tax income, the City of London, is on the very edge of melt down. It is about to Go Off Shore. Operating here is now so expensive, the LSE. will end up east of the Med', China
even. The Labour Party at Westminster is about to go nuclear and destroy the lot. America is also about to be shafted. Wall St. has played some wrong 'uns.
Enough for now my beauties, time for a large one and then off to bed. Good night and Kind Regards, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Whatever next, I have spent most of today adding bits and pieces to this blog, and then just a few moments ago, I lost the lot::: what next for bad language and desparation. Or arguments that are based on a time that is older than half the population of the world ?? If I said, "go back to the 1970s/ 1980s, and looked at the Local Newspaper reports on River maintainance and Fishing Club reports as to the standard of bygone years and the Stupidity of the Newage EU Directives, many of you will understand the problems of Flooding today. This is not "New, not Global Warming or Global anything. It is just another nonsense dreamed up by arsehole Politicians in their attempt to purloin even more money from your pocket.
But please, please, please; let me point out; "You have it within your power, to abandon the system of Taxation as imposed by Westminster. As do the Taxpayers of Europe and also the Taxpayers of the United States of America. Let me say this once more, and only once more, "This is your bloody money, Politicians must adapt their spending policy, or policies, so that they match the money or funding available. They should not construct their Spending Policy, and then adjust their Taxation Policy to pay for their stupidity.
ME. ? I can only say that it is within your remit to tell Westminster what to do, but it is whithin your power to adjust your income so that: YOU, YES YOU, : are in the position to dictate to Westminster, just how much money you are prepared to allow Westminster to remove from your income. As I have said, I am now Seventy Four years old. My last ambition is to die a pain free death. And some mornings I admit that I am not that well pleased to awake at all.!!!!
But then others are in a much more advanced state of "meltdown than I am. (I believe)
Enough of the doubts... Enough of yesterday.... Tomorrow.. The Future.... Abandoning The Past...
But the future ? The future? Where do we go from here.
Please start with the BASIC's. What price food in the near very near, future ??? It would seem that the United Nations is intent to make an entire nonsense of the availability of foodstuffs. Today is the 6th Day of May. In fact, Wednesday 5th. May 2009. What a bloody day,???? Why have we, we,
the little people; those who would allow an honest governemt to govern, been subject to this absolute GLOBAL nonsense ??? WHY why why. I can't for one moment believe that all of you , you arseholes, believe that you have NO VOICE, to broadcast the fact, you have no sympathy with this or that VIEW. YOU ARE ENTITLED TO WHATEVER VIEW YOU SO DESIRE, BUT YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO EXPECT ALL OF THE TAXPAYERS TO FINANCE YOUR DISABILITIES OR ANY OTHER CHOSEN WAY OF LIFE YOU WISH TO ADOPT.
THERE ARE MANY PEOPLE THAT I WISH TO ACKNOWLEDGE, ( back to the almost normal.) Please foregive me, but I did lose almost 24 hrs. of what I believed to be, part of the Banking and the financial nonsense, that I believe will last another generation. (((( There is the possibility that most of this could be negated. That is managed. But what is going on at the moment, is just about an absoloute denial of the facts..
Would it be in order to ask, "how will it be possible to return to a normal Banking arrangement that works in the intrest of the """Customers"""/ and still allow the banks to recover the nonsense that is lost to bad practise. (And all that Debt Debt Debt,)
There is much more of this to say, much more to allow you, yes you the victim of this bloody political nonsense to place before the VOTERS, and I say why should it be expected that you, YOU, the Working Taxpayer, who is the only real victim of the Westminster and also the Washington , WHY THE BLOODY HELL SHOULD YOU, ME OR ANY OTHER SILLY BUGGER, BE EXPECTED TO PAY FOR THIS TOTAL NONSENSE OF A aaa, WORLD ORDER.
Remember, you are paying..
There is more, much more. Back again tomorrow/ Regards ATFlynn, Norfolk's Mutineer*

Tuesday, 5 May 2009


A long time ago, 1970 to 1976, I was working for Oceaneering International and we were based in Singapore. I remember reading an article in the Herald Tribune about the introduction of Automobile Manufacture in South Korea.
There was this argument about the locals being able to earn enough money to buy the cars produced. This discussion was going on about Africa as well as other parts of the Far East. This was my first introduction the idea of Globalisation. How it must be possible for the Population of the least developed parts of the world, to earn enough money to buy these products that other parts of the world had to produce so that they had the income to be able to be part of the consumer population and then part of the Global economy.
As things stand now, this very day, the world seems to have hit a brick wall. For ten years, here in Britain, the government has expanded the economy and increased the money in circulation to the extent that the entire Banking and Financial Industry is now in grave danger of total meltdown.
In the meantime, Politics has come up with another scam to defraud the Taxpayers of money. This is the Global Warming Fraud. As we are now producing an abundance of just about every domestic gadget imaginable, some sort of occupation is needed to employ as much spare labour as possible. So it is decided we will build thousands of wind terbines and instal Wind Farms. And at some £600,000 a time, these turbines are a good start. Then of course there is the cost of the site to errect them. At £20,000 per annum for the site and then the cost of errection, the whole bloody exercise is just absolute nonsense. And will cost you Taxpayers many Billions of £GB.
I'll come back to this later, if not tonight then Tomorrow.
Until then, Regards, ATFlynn,"Norfolk's Mutineer"