Saturday, 27 June 2009

have you Bumholes lost your bottle

How many of you silly buggers read the Daily Express every day ? I know, there are a number of days the paper annoys me as well. But what is the alternative ?
Sorry my friends, but earlier this afternoon, about 1400hrs. I put together the records of my arguement about the very sad state of our Politics today. And now at 2030 eight o'clock in the evening, the dog is sleeping on the pile of Exprexx news papers and I'm left with a wife sleeping as though there is no tomorrow, when it comes to the washing up, I'll remind her. She hasn't done it.

Sorry my friends, but I must call it a day; I did start at about 0300hrs this morning. And now to crown the whole bloody event, the wife is awake and in full flow. I'm off to bed.
Good Night my Friends, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"

FROM THE BEGINNING; By Quentin Willson. The Spectator

And so a window opens, and as awakening from a dream, these words echo from the walls. These words, amongst others, disturb my thoughts of tomorow-: Awake for morning in the Bowl of night , has flung the stone that puts the stars to flight. Or even this. A Loaf of Bread, a Jug of wine, and you beside me in the wildernes, and wilderness is Paradice anow. Or even this-::::, The moving finger writes, and having writ moves on, nor all thy piety nor whit shall lure it back to cancell half a line, nor all thy tears wash out one word of it. Such beauty in so little effort. Such love for mankind in so few moments. Such simple things that make our world the viable and only universe we will ever know.
Now take time to examine the utter nonsense that an awful lot of Politics and Governments, insist you, you the poor bloody Taxpayer, are responsible for and must pay for, then do as I suggest, and abandon all central Government demands for the payment of Direct Taxation.
Have a look at this for an alternative:- The following is from the DAIRY of Quentin Willson, as published in the Spectator, 27th June 2009.
" It used to really bother me. Sitting in what I thought was the presence of greatness, I'd leave hugely under-whelmed. Top people in the top jobs who seemed to be rubbish. I even used to tell myself off. Intellectuall snobbery, I self- scolded, is a smugcharacter flaw. But the sneaking suspicion that lots of important people were actually really useless wouldn't go away. I internalised my doubts until they squelched. For years I listened patiently to their patent nonsense. Heads of car companies, television commissioners,private sector chief executives, council bosses and entire government departments all seemed to speak in a language strangely detached from meaning. So many acronyms and abbreviations, so many clumsy invented words, so much tosh and flannel signifying nothing. Why did they all talk such blue-sky tripe?

That is but the first part of the entire page of the SPECTATOR Magazine. And worth every penny. That is if you can stand some of the bits and pieces. Still, I've just sent off another cheque for another year. Must be bloody daft, or something.
Whatever next. It has taken me fifteen minutes to set this colour. What chance when it comes to setting the fuse for man kind ????
And now the end is near, and now we face the final curtain,
My friend I say it clear I state my case of which I'm certain,
I've spent a life of this I've traveled each and every highway,
But more much more than this, I did it my way.

And now, and now again;;; All I want to do is show you, you the silly Bloody Taxpayers, how simple it is for you:::, you, yes you the little people, the "Ordinary People", as Blair the Bastard, used to call you. But what next ???? First, sit down with a cup of tea, or even a large glass of Whisky or even Whiskey, and think of your tomorrows. Yesterdays are long gone. Tomorrow is all that counts.

It must be my age, I was born on the 19th January 1935. I feel as if I'm 90, it must be the whisky. It's a bit of a bugger when you end up being older than the whisky you are drinking. There aint much future in that!!!
Still, I did have thoughts of much to say of this Sojourn amongst the be-wildered and lost tribes of Great Britain and Europe. There is only one thing you need to know;

Sunday, 14 June 2009

Once Upon A Time We Had a Gov' at Westminster.But now our Government

But now our Government resides in Brussels and is a bunch of unelected Commissioners.
Mandelson and Chris Patton were both commissioners, and with their monster pensions, from Brussels, Westminster, HoC., and the HoL., then again from Oxford University that man must be picking up some £5.000 a week.
I have been watching the BBC, "The Politics Show." Is it just me? or are all these people walking backwards to the very edge of a cliff? Think about these things for a while and see what answers you come up with.
FIRST: Back in the middle of the 1990s, there was 500.000, family farms in the UK. Today there isn't even 100.000. And then here in Norfolk, Suffolk and Part of Essex, there was at one time, 2000. Dairy Farms. Today there arn't even 200.
I can't tell you the figures, I've given up because whenever I have mentioned this in comments posted to on-line 'Papers, much of the time I get a reject. Except for the Express.
This, I believe is going to be one of the biggest disasters in years.
We have closed many of our Coal Fired Power Stations and now our Nuclear Generaters are on the way out. From where I'm sitting, I can't see enought time left to build any replacements. Which means we will have to rely on French Nuclear Power across the Channel. Or buy lots of candles.
As with the food, electricity is no longer in our control. Brussels has really got us by the BALLS this time. But then, it was always the plan by Westminster.
Yesterday I was talking with Barbara Lockwood, a pensioner from Hellesdon just north of Norwich. She is due to go to court again soon, to object about the increase in council Tax. In the last ten years or so, the Tax has increased by 130% but the pensions increase has been just 30%. The Old lady is refusing to pay the increase. And she is quite prepared to go to jail to make her point. Then again, they let Murders out to kill again. That is the Stupidity of our Politics.
I have been saying for some years now, that people just leaving school or colledge or Uni', should not pay any Taxation until they are earning at least £500. a week. That is what it costs these days these days to live. Then of course, people who are retired, and on a pension, would get the same treatment. But to get there, the welfare State would need a complete over-haul. And as with Westminster, I wouldn't let any Politicions within a mile of the place while it is being worked on, except for Frank Field. Thats the only man who knows what is needed.
Enough for now, but remember, this is your Country, the Politicians and the Civil Service do NOT have ANY power, only what you allow them. Any time you want to change
the Status Quo just let me know. It is only a simple manoeuvre.
Kind Regards, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer."

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Why My Last Comment Is so Badly Put Together.

I did start early enough, but I got caught by a thunder storm and the PC was knocked out twice. Once I got it up and running again, I hurried the comment.
I wanted to have a little go at the Print Media. Until now, the Guardian has been as good as gold to me. And I have posted comments about Taxation on their website many times. I have also mentioned the fact that, even with their objection to Tax Avoidance, the fact that the Guardian also takes very large strides to avoid Taxation as do others, like Sir Philip Green, only he avoids Billions of £Pounds Sterling. Me ?? I have absolutely no objection to that at all. Every one should take steps to avoid paying any money to Westminster or any other Gov' Office.
Any way, because of the Guardians rejection, I have now logged out and shall not bother with them again. This is where the threat to the existence of the Press begins. Not that long ago, I used to buy the Telegraph, seven day a week. Then the Daily Mail. Without abusing the Editor, I could within reason telephone and talk to
Mr Dacre. The man was always a Gentleman.
Then there was the Guardian, probably three days a week. And of course, the Daily Express, seven days a week. But all of that has changed. I don't remember the date, but at one time my Paper bill was £12.50 each week. Today it is only just over the £2.00 a week. The Telegraph was the first to go. How many of you now remember that Quentin Letts use to work for the Telegraph ? Again, I think it could be about half the Daily Papers that will go to the wall. And considering their Editorial Policy, they deserve to.
Like the Accountants, and Auditors, only E&Y took the trouble to examine my proposals regarding Taxation Policy. The other three were making too much money with consultancy and other services in the many different Gov' Departments. You Little People, or as Blair was fond of calling you, "Ordinary People", have almost no chance with that lot at Westminster about to re-write the rules and then change the way MPs are elected. But let me tell you this, today, with all this technology, you can run rings round any Politician who steps out of line. You can dictate to Westminster and Parliament what you are prepared to do. What you are prepared to pay in the way of Taxation. And you will have the choise of saying how many MPs you are prepared to pay for and how much you are going to pay them. This is YOUR COUNTRY and this is youe bloody money. Legally, the only Taxation that is enforceable, is the Local County Taxation in the area of your Home.
OH!! and by the way, this goes for America as well as the Poor Old Taxpayer across the whole of the European Union.
Now,I would suggest that these 'Papers, get their smelly stuff together and start thinking about the future. Because it's time for the People to take control.
Regards To All, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"


Yesterday,the Guardian newspaper, printed an article by Hugh Goodacre entitled, "The Globalisation Illusion". I thought it was very good and left a comment to say "thank you". I also left one or two other comments that supported the article, including a speach made in the House of Lords in 1987 or so, and a link to find the report plus a copy of the speach should anyone wish to read it. Well, the Guardian would not publish my comment.
So this morning I logged into the Daily Express and left a comment there. I explained my concern is the fact that a number of News Papers are worried about the fall off in advertising revenue and have said as much. But still the 'papers pretend that they are National Daily 'Papers, when in fact they are nothing more than the Governments propaganda sheets. And none so much as the Guardian. What with all of that Ad. money. Still, never mind, it's only Taxpayers money!
Do you know, I would be most greatful, if one or two of these daily rags, would just take time to look at their archives. In the early 1990s, there used to many stories about Rivers and agricultural policy. these comments, printed in the 'Papers, talked of the change in River maintenance especially dredging. Here in Norfolk, out through Redgrave Fen towards Cambridgeshire, the river bed was dredged to a normal winter level, only for the maintenance crew to be ordered to refill the bed with ballast to leave only a shallow level of water. You can imagine what happened. For the first time ever recorded, that part of Cambridgeshire was flooded. It isn't because we are having more rain to that extent, it's because everything these Politicians touch turns to dross. Well thats one word for it.
It has just been announced that the end of the recession has been sighted, and yet no one has got even a glimps of the hyper inflation that is about. This bunch of **** at Westminster, that calls itself a Government, has allowed, encouraged even begged, all these immigrants and asylum seekers here. Some Twelve Million and more. That means, since 1997, our economy has had to expand by at least One Fifth. That amounts to Twenty percent inflation over the last twelve years. Marvelous how the Gay Gordon managed to keep the lid on the truth and we all believed inflation was only 2% or 3% all this time. By the way, figures will be produced about this in the next two or three weeks, where-as inflation is on the point of 10%, we will be told that it is below four percent.

Now, as I have said many times since I first wrote to Barclays Bank in 1996, about Taxation, if you want to change the system, let me know. County by County, you can simply abandon Westminster and start again, with a system of Public Service Funding imposed by the Taxpayer and administered by the Parish, Town, District and County Council's. MPs should be reduced to a maximum of Four to each English County.
Scotland, Wales and N/Ireland, would need to join the system, or go their own way.
Until we recover our Sovereignty, Westminster, Whitehall and all of our Elected Members of Parliament, are just toothless pieces of Crap.
Regards, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"

Monday, 1 June 2009


I was not going to do this, but after listening to the BBC. castigating UKIP on the Daily Politics programme, I've changed my mind.
Me, I am totally against the European Union. Westminster had no right whatsoever giving away our Sovereignty to that bunch of crap at Brussels. And yes, that does include those British members who think that the euro and all things Continental amount to a Wet Dream. People like Mandelson, Chris Pattern, Lord Brittan and some of the other Bumholes who can't get enough of that bunch of crappy Politicians across the water. Don't get me wrong, I spent much time in Germany, France, I used to work for Comex, then Spain Portugal Italy, where I worked for a shipping Co. Oh! yes, must not forget one of my all time favourites, Holland. Nothing wrong with any of them except their Politicians.They used to be so much worse than anthing we produced. But now, I understand they, the Europen Politicians, come over here to learn the tricks Westminster and Whitehall have devised. Enough of this waffle, down to the nitty gritty.
I take it that most of you who intend to vote on Thursday, will Vote for UKIP or the BNP. there is no other choise. The Lib-Lab-Con-Trick has shot its bolt. Cameron says he will allow a referndum, then he says he won't. I'm convinced he is not to be trusted. I wouldn't vote for him or the Party, as long as he leads it. I shall vote UKIP. or BNP., and in the local Election, I will vote for my usual rep', Bev Spratt
he has served us well in South Norfolk, and if it wasn't for Westminster and the Bloody Treasury, (and of course the Chancellor) Norfolk would, or at least might get the funding that it should be entitled to, all things being equal. Time to get some tea. I'll see how things go, and I'll get back to this tomorrow or later.
Regards, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"


I have been reading the Daily Express and in particular, Leo McKinstry, "Our political class is the problem, not the solution." Sub-titled, "It's like the Mafia taking charge of law and order".
How right he is. Only on Saturday, when I was looking for comments to use for this chapter in my appeal to the common-sense of the British Taxpayer, did the words cesspit, stench and pollution come to mind, along with others. But then, what we are seeing and reading about is only part of the criminal activities of Westminster and Whitehall. Who now remembers Quinetiq ? Or the sale of the Inland Revenue buildings ? Or the fact that at least two civil servants became Millionaires overnight by this activity ?
Don't take my word for it, go to-: and read todays 'paper. Another thing, go to my profile and link to- Money Money Money you will find I was saying then, in 2005/6
exactly what Im saying now. Have a look at todays editorial, the changes made in 2001 and 2002, regarding gov' Pensions. And remember who told Wanker Brown it would not hurt the Private Pension Industry if he raided the Investment returns and took some £5. Billion a year out of the Private Pensions Funds. Remember, it was "Redadair" now Lord Turner.That was after he left the CBI. Blair and Brown found a hole for him, as they did, or at least Brown did, find a hole for Digby, now Lord Jones. I offten wonder where the money comes from to run the CBI. the IOD.(The Taxpayers?) When I spoke to Ruth Lee, by 'phone I must add, she said, "we are winning the argument with Gordon Brown. Taxation is being reduced and Red Tape is being rolled back". That was when she had the top job at the IOD. They still hasn't recovered from her tenure.
The next problem to hit the man, Brown, is the fact GM (Motors) will be taken under German control. They are the ones to put up a very substantial amount of money to protect their jobs. The rest of it, GM Europe, will migrate East to that part of Europe with much lower costs. I would think that overall, it will mean about another million people out of work and on the dole. Still why worry, all or at least most of these politicians will be gone next year if not before. Imagine, they are spending a little more than £2Billion Each Day. £14 and more Billion Each Week. I will admit,
£2Billion a week goes to Brussels. £150something Billions is Benefit's money.
£100Billion is to pay for the NHS. and the multi-Billionaires it has spawned.

If you, any of you, think that allowing them to change the system or re-write the rules will make one iota of difference, think again. Within a week or two they will be back to their old tricks. THE ONLY ANSWER IS TO TAKE THE MONEY AWAY FROM THEM.
Start another system that is controlled by the Taxpayers. Use the Parish, Town and District Council with the County Council in overall control of Administration.
Enough for now, time to watch the Daily Politics Programme.
Regards, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"