Wednesday, 31 March 2010

- Inform Your Friends: National Strike, April 15th - 18th

- Inform Your Friends: National Strike, April 15th - 18th

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

A $200 trillion crisis and why Al'Qaeda provides lessons on how to stop it happening again.

A $200 trillion crisis and why Al'Qaeda provides lessons on how to stop it happening again.

National, Lawful strike against the Establishment. By Fausty.

Fausty my dear, there is an objection to your suggestion in the comments, listed below the possible action that should be taken. It suggests that the employer will not be at all happy about his employees walking out for the four days as indicated.
What I suggest is that we join forces with the employers, change them all, from being a Company or a Business, and set them up as Holding Companies. As such, they can engage an Agent to employ all Staff and services as required. This Agency will of course, also be part of the company or business but independant and based Off-Shore. At a stroke, 99% of your Taxation obligations are now the responsibilty of an Off-Shore business that isn't liable under any British law to pay Taxation in Britain and is beyond the jurisdiction of any British Court. That is the first step.
For all Staff, working and living here in Britain, as far as Westminster is concerned,all you have to do is visit your Local HMRC. office and explain that you are now working for some Foreign Co. based in so and so, and that you will inform them of all monies remitted to this Country. You can also volunteer to pay a special NIC. payment. The last time I looked, possibily three or four years ago, the cost was just £2.50 each week.
If you set up the Agency as I would advise, you will be able to make payments for your cost of living without ever exceeding your "Tax Free Allowance", also, your falily have entitlement to Tax Free income. There is no reason why you cannot make that allowance.
Enough for now. I'll get back to this tomorrow. AH! Before I go, you did ask how I became familiar with Tax Law. Well, I'm now 75 years old, I no longer work and I pay no direct Taxation. But, I spent much of my life, since the army in 1953, January, travelling the world. And before late 1960s or early 1970s, Tax was not enforced on any overseas earnings. I used to bank my money in Jersey and make a weekly allowance to my wife. Life was so simple before the Europ-ing Zups. (Arabic for Penis.) Until about 2004, I had very good contacts at the Treasury as well as my local Tax Office. Although we have never met, the Chairman of HSBC. was also a friend, he still is. And I do have contact at quite a few Gov' offices, but I do not abuse the fact. Well must go, the wife is on about something, it's one of those times when being a bit deaf, is an advantage. (An alternative system of Public Service Funding will be necessary and it should be based on the County Council Structure.)
Regards, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"