Thursday 6 September 2007

I'm Not Quite Sure Who Is The Most Dangerous

The Bank of England has had a few words to say about things. It sounds serious, but why did they allow the Investment Banks and other investment funds to recover the money for now? These are the people responsible for the mess, they should take the hit. But of course, it will be the ordinary working TaxPayer who is going to foot the bill, again. Bloody Bankers.

Most of the Banks and much of the Financial Industry, have only a vague idea of the amount of debt they are committed to. The rules on Liquidity have been rather stretched and in some cases broken.

That plus the Housing Market inflation, then the fact that Gordon wants to spend £8 Billion on more housing for Immigrants (at the TaxPayers expence) and then another £45 Billion re-building ALL the schools in England and Wales, you Poor Bloody TaxPayers are going to need a lot of overtime to pay for this next lot of Waste and Drivel coming out of Politicians and Parliament. The Bill for all this Debt, must now be in the region of £2000Billion.

I was thinking only this morning about the Bloody Nonsense that Westminster and Whitehall have stacked up for the next two, three and possibily four Generations of TaxPayers. I would expect to come back to this world in the year 2107, and find just the same thing. TaxPayers struggling to pay off Gordons debt. And I wouldn't be at all supprised to see Gordon still here. If it isn't him, I'm sure I will recognise the smell.

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