Friday 20 November 2009


Dear Sir, I have written to the Sunday Telegraph on the same subject but my letter was not published.
As Boris Johnson almost wrote on the 23 rd. July, total control of this country from Brussels is the object of that Empire. Westminster collaborators may sugar the poison pill but it is still poison and will kill every aspect of the British way of life.
So far the City is keeping its head down. If they think they can keep their powder dry I believe they are in for a shock. They will be over run without a shot being fired. The Bank of England is to be the whipping boy, and while all attention is focused on the arguments in London we will discover that Frankfurt is dictating the future of our monetary policy. Simple, not a shot fired in anger. Goodbye the City as we knew it, hello command  economics in a new suit.
It is a fact that the people of Europe have no control at all over this nightmare. Freedom and choice are not on the menu, the majority political activists are all of the same sickening post war, happy clappy whacky baccy stupidity. They are going to hell together.
                           THIS IS OF COURSE ONLY MY OPINION.
I can think of only one answer to this problem, take their pocket money away. It is not illegal to avoid paying Taxes, in some cases it is a religion, many people worship at that shrine.
I will put together a simple set of instructions, perfectly within the law, that circumvent 80% to 90% of all Government Taxation, but not Local Authority Tax.
Boris Johnson makes the Scottish and Welsh referendums sound almost quaint. Something only those two peoples have  an interest in. I have news for Mr. Johnson. Do you seriously think the English will sit there with there heads in the clouds while the Scots and the Welsh have their hands in the English pocket? Never Mr. Johnson.
I have no objections to their asperations, only think on this: does the question go far enough? Surely England have something to say on the subject, after all would it be fair for England to pay the dues of Great Britain into Brussels? While Scotland have the power in law, to reduce their Taxes at the expense of English Taxpayers, and would not Wales be forever after more "resources" to build their nightmare.
I say, no you silly fools, if you think you can crack the cork and let only part of the genie out of the bottle, you are mistaken. Its all or nothing.
And so I say, goodbye Great Britain as you disappear into the pocket of Evlyn Waughs,
Belgium ticket collectors never to be seen again.    THE END.

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