Thursday 23 April 2009

St. George's Day. And the Dragon's are still at the Palace of Westminster.

I know I have been saying this for some years now but, the alternative to you, the poor old taxpayers taking charge of Taxation, is nothing short of total collapse.
What is the true state of immigration ? How many asylum seekers are living in the Country and how much money is it costing the poor old Taxpayer ? I have just looked at a letter,dated 25th. March 1999. It is from "Future Business Security", Room GW53, Quarry House, Leeds, LS2 7UA. It is a part, or rather, was a part of the DSS and had a function to do with Visa's and immigration but it was part of the Conservative control of Fraud Stratagey Branch at the Adelphi Buildings, John Adam Street London. At this time, total immigration was kept to 80.000 a year.
Robin Cook was at the Foreign Office, Jack Straw was at the Home Office and David Blunkett was making a proper balls-up of the NHS. Cook resigned (?) Jack Straw went to FO. and Blunkett to the HO. At the end of the first year, Blunkett had thrown out the rule book and allowed 250.000 immigrants into the Country. Well just with "pocket money" the £40 or so each week, that is a lot of money. Then there is accomodation "services, water light and heating" plus other costs. Sandy Bruce-Lockhart, Leader of Kent CC. at the time wrote and asked me how these People Smugglers made a profit, I explained that the housing and food cost per person, once a landlord had housed the immigrants, came to £319 each week. Three immigrants = £957. a week. In Slough they have, or had, three bedroomed houses with Thirty immigrants, thats just on £10.000 a week. Not bad for a buy to let mortgage. And you poor old Taxpayers were paying the Bill.
That was that side of the problem. And as we had now imported some Millions of Immigrants, (It could be as many 10 Million with asylum seekers.) the next problem for Gordon and the Treasury, was Expanding the Economy and the money in circulation to be able to pay everyone. When was the last time you saw figures for Money in Circulation ??
There is one other vast problem that Politicians ignore, and not only Politicians.
The BBC.never mentions it. And all of the print media ignore it as well. Newspapers like the Telegraph and the Express. I mention those two because I have posted both of them a copy of a PFI. contract. I believe it was in 2003/4 that I sent the copy. It starts off as a £129 Million Hospital with about 900 beds. And even though we are told again and again, that it is a twenty year contract, Page Three has a paragraph entitled "How long is the contract ?" and it states;- The original contract term is 60 years from the date of completion (14 August 2001)- ending 14th. August 2061. As it stands, the Hospital has been re-financed once, on the 14th. August 2006. The cost of re-financing was an additional £116 Million. Making a total at this five year stage of:- £129m + £100m + £116m =
£345m. In addition to this there is a "service charge" paid every year. The figure I have is £37.6m. This figure is adjustable every 12 months. I have lost count now, but I believe there are some 7 or 8 Hundred contracts just like this in existance. You, the Poor bloody Taxpayer, is looking at nothing less than the NEXT ONE HUNDRED YEARS of paying off the Blair Brown bandwaggon.
Your only answer is to do as I suggest and take control of the Economy. Or at least Taxation

That was then. Today is the anniversary of Saint George, Patron Saint of England and now is an excellent time to suggest that we, or rather you, the Taxpayers of England, make a new start. Let me assure you, there is nothing to stop you changing the way you work and are paid, so that Westminster cannot enforce any demand for the payment of Direct Taxation.
It is also a very simple manoeuvre and once you have control you will find that County by County you will be making the Rules and Setting the Rate of Taxation deciding what the threshold is.
There are also one or two things from the past that need resurrection. Years ago a "Tax Code" took account of a persons responsibilities and allowed a reduction in Tax required, to cover these Family Expenses. Today, a very expensive Tax Credit system is used. All that really does is create more work for Taxpayers to pay for. A nonsense.
As I say, this is meant as a system to roll out across the 43 (?) Counties of England. Scotland, Wales and N/Ireland must decide if they want to join in. Now the finances to start this are available, at my age 74, I find it hard enough getting about, but I would love to make a start here in Norfolk, I have spoken to Daniel Cox, Leader of the Norfolk CC. and I believe he, and some others, are sympathetic to this idea, so my beauties, lets be 'aving you.
Kind Regards, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"


Anonymous said...

St George

Is said to have been born in Turkey with a Greek father and Palestinian mother. Whilst serving in the Roman army, he refused to follow an unacceptable order requiring him to denounce and change his religion and for that he was tortured and executed.

Yes, St George is a great choice of Patron Saint for a multi-cultural society where character and morality are more important than where your parents came from. But a rather strange choice for racist British National Party and National Front members to celebrate!

Anonymous said...


The United Kingdom is registered as a Corporation and Limited Company in the Dunn and Bradstreet Listings. A registered corporation, like any business is run for profit and has shareholders who expect some return on their investments. Who are the investors, shareholders and directors of these obscure legal entities?

Dunn & Bradstreet






It also appears that most, if not all, county councils are also registered as limited liability corporations. Again, we must ask ourselves... who are the shareholders and directors? Is this where all the taxpayers money and other revenues disappear to? Is this why British politicians are always pleading poverty, even after they have raped India during the Raj, drugged China during the opium wars, plundered Africa of it's gold, diamonds and other natural resources along with the bloody invasions and occupations of the Middle East and Asia for their oil and other resources?

Over the past couple of hundred years we are talking about the theft of trillions and trillions of pound worth of booty... where has it all gone? Why has not at least some of it been used to benefit the British people who provided the cannon fodder for these Imperial British escapades?

Remember... if you want to find the real criminals... FOLLOW THE MONEY!!!

Anonymous said...

What You Believe: "It's An Illusion"

By John Harris

Filmed at the "Lawful Rebellion" Conference, The British Constitution Group, Stoke-on-Trent, 24th January 2009 by