Thursday 1 April 2010

My Attempt to Explain Why This Contribution of Mine is Only Half Done.

A link to the origines of this contribution. happening-again/
(I know, but the Telegraph like to get column inches for their money.)

I'm sorry about that, but the Telegraph article is certainly worth reading. I believe I am right in saying that like other Journalists, Jeremy Warner has picked up the flavour of the moment and presented a dish worth savouring.
There is more to this as well. It leads into the area that intrigues because it questions the NWO. What is being asked for, is that Four or even Five Hundred million Europeans, should abandon Sovereignty and chuck Millions, even Billions of Euro's into the pot, for the rest of the world to dip into and take whatever they want. Have these a*se*o*e* any idea what a total nonsense they are creating???
But then, in parallel with this ****** ( Thought six stars was needed to denote the stupidity of the situation.) They have tried to blind the entire Population of Europe with the fraud of "Global Warming". But then, these are Politicians and their shoe shine boys, only these days, the boys are more like the Professor of University College London. Professor Malcolm Grant, the Vice-Chancellor (recreations:"electronic gadgets, opera, woodlands') gets £404,272. It was at UCL that the Detroit"underpants bomber", Umar Fatouk Abdulmutallab, was a pillar the student Islamic society. Professor Grant got publicly furious at the suggestion that his University should be concerned about the extremist speakers who address the society, and invoke freedom of speech.
There was one other thing that this Gov' and supporters will be very proud of, "In another triumph for free speech, UCL students prevented the Officer Training Corps of the British Army from recruiting on campus. Professor Grant gets more than twice the salary of the head of the Army, by the way...


I'll give it a rest at this point, any reply's will be welcome, but be assured, change is on the way! Only this time, YOU the PEOPLE will be in charge. Me, I'm 75, I'll do all I can to show you what to do and where to go to bring this lot of ******
at Westmnster to Heel.
Kind Regards, ATFlynn, Norfolk's Mutineer"

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