Tuesday 19 February 2008

Could Tomorrow be the First Step to a New Beginning

Tomorrow evening, 7:30pm. I am attending a District Council meeting at South Norfolk Council and I am privileged to be allowed to address the meeting on the subject of Taxation, Sovereignty, Westminster, and an incompetent useless Government. Not bad for starters.

I have informed the local press and they have said that they will be there. So I want to champion local Democracy for all it is worth. I can assure anyone who will listen, today, our Local Authority can, and does, provide a fairer out-come than Westminster. Even with their manipulation and corruption of the Local Funding of Public Services, Central Government seem to be way out of their depth. And now with Northern Rock around their necks, you could say they have hit "rock bottom".

There is only one answer to this mess and that is for the TaxPayers to take control of Taxation. It is a simple and legal manoeuvre that Westminster cannot prevent. Not only that, it is also a system of Government funding, administered by the TaxPayers, that would ensure the elected representatives remained the servants of the Electors and not the masters. This would apply to most Countries in the European Union, if not All of Them. And I have no doubt, it would be adopted in other parts of the world.

How about some feed-back on this?? Regards, atflynn.co.uk "Norfolk's Mutineer" (as named by the Bruges Group, to whom I am grateful.)

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