Thursday 28 February 2008

Thought For The Day: as per Westminster.

Last Tuesday we had a Parish Council meeting. I walked into the Parish Hall only to be confronted by a large group of older women indulging in flower arranging. The Parish meeting was taking place in a committee room.
While awating the arrival of others,the chat turned on "wind turbines", amongst other things, and I entered a remark about the £600,000, cost to the TaxPayer for every wind turbine that is erected, plus the ground rent of some £20,000 a year.

In 2005/6, the average cost of electricity for each household was £361, just pennies over £1. a day. Now, in 2008, the cost is £3. a day and rising. What has happened is "Globalisation". As far as I can see, or rather, understand, about two dozen people in the world have got a hold on certain of the worlds essential commodities and these people, with the help of Politicians across the world, are now holding you to ransom. At stake is the TaxPayers money plus the "consumer price" market. Think about it, once this is in the control of these two dozen or so people, they have world dominance. And do not forget, they have already set up a committee to consider the introduction of a world order for the regulation of Taxation.

Remember when oil was $4. a barrel? They said then that it would never reach $10. now it is $100. These people are dangerous, but the other people who are manipulating the world population and making it possible, are the Politicians. And that Bloody Loopy bunch at Westminster are the worst of the bloody lot. And remember, "The Media" to a great extent, most of them are at it as well. With the BBC, at the very top. Enough for now, time to get a cup of tea. Regards, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"

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