Thursday 28 February 2008


Now that Tesco has transfered 80 of its stores to an off-shore fund, explaining that it is for "Tax Efficiency" purposes, and not Tax Avoidance, it only takes a small adjustment to remove all staff from the clutches of those rapacious Tax Collectors. All they need to do now is to use an Agency, located in the area where they have parked their stores and then at a stroke, they are at liberty to trade here and pay business Tax, and some other local charges, but 90% of their Taxation is now, "not legally collectable".

I pointed this out to Barclays Bank in 1996, I still have the letters. Not only that, I also wrote the CBI, IOD, FPB, other High Street Banks, most of them in fact. And the four main Accountants. The only one of them that showed any interest was Ernst & Young. Oh yes. There was one of the International Banks that agreed to fund the idea provided I came up with enough interest from Industry and Business.

Now that these clever buggers have made such a mess of things and Politics have allowed it to happen, the voters and the working TaxPayers might, just might see the sense of removing the power over Taxation from that bunch of wasters at Westminster. I know, and I agree, not quite all of them are wasters.

My proposal is that the TaxPayers then construct another system of Taxation based on the Parish, Town, District and County structure. With the local population deciding what the local Public Services should be. And what is to be spent on providing this service. I'm not suggesting that I know all the answers, but I do know we cannot go on as we are. And I must stick with my belief that a liveable wage today, is a minimum of £500 each week.

I have had some feedback by e-mail and I am greatful, so could you keep it coming? I would be pleased if you could.
Regards, ATFlynn. "Norfolk's Mutineer"

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