Tuesday 26 May 2009


What next for the print media also. For some time I have posted comments on the Daily Telegraph, but for some time now they have allowed me to post on the MyTelegraph, but comments place on articles or editorial, have just been deleted. So I gave them a hand and remove a lot more. Sod 'em. And then the Daily Mail starts the same trick. I have just logged out of that rag as well. I'm still using the Daily Express and the Guardian. By the way the Mail did have one last story link I would advise you to visit,-: http://synonblog.dailymail.co.uk
It gives an example of just how corrupting the European Union can be.
Westminster has now shot its bolt. Since it abandoned my, well yours and mine, plus all the other English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh mans Sovereignty, there dosen't seem to be anything to hold the Country together.
I notice that today Barack Obama or rather the Fed' and others are now saying that the idea of a bail-out has not worked. It would seem that this idea of throwing good money after bad has failed. I don't know who first suggested it, but Gordon Brown in Westminster has claimed the credit for it, so what now for McBrown the Clown ? David Cameron is pontificating about changes to Westminster and this and that, but really has no idea what he is talking about.
The Country is not that far from total Bankruptcy and he talks as if the cricket match has been cancelled. I don't know, it seems that billions of £Pounds Sterling has been given to the Banks, but still they are foreclosing on peoples mortgages. And most of these Banking people were in place when this all started.
There is only one answer left now. And that is for the people, the Taxpayers, to take control of the system, and that includes the Welfare State. As I have been suggesting for some years now, we just cannot afford all these freeloaders. And as the Express pointed out last week, the British Taxpayer is paying £1.million a time to send aircraft into France to repatriate the immigrants and asylum seekers from there. The home grown ones, it seems, we are keeping. Well, to pay for them, we had better use the money that would normally be used for the payment of Westminster and Whithall. I believe that amounts to many £Billions of Pounds. They are the silly buggers who caused the mess. They can bloody well pay for it.
Enough for now, it has been avery long day. Kind Regards to all, ATFlynn, Norfolk's Mutineer"

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