Thursday 21 May 2009


I was trying to remember some bits and pieces from a few years ago and I had a look at the remains of an old BBC. Action Network, website. The URL. is,
At the bottom of the Intro' Page in a link, "actionnetwork". There are some post dating from 2005. Have a look,it shows I was predicting todays problems as far back as 1996, I have the letters I wrote to Barclays Bank, and other Banks. And I have their answers. The Title of the 'site is of course, "Sovereignty Politics,Taxation".
All things Bright and Beautiful.
Only yesterday, the Daily Express had an article by Ann Widdecombe, that contained a reference to this, Sovereignty that is. It goes like this-: "We have to choose whether we want to integrate further into the EU. or attempt to hold the line at the already high level of absorption we have reached. We have to decide if Britain should be ruled from Westminster or Brussels and Strasbourg. Either we have some fight left in us or we do not. The Conservatives say we have but Brown has given up defending our Sovereignty. UKIP is not the answer to any of this. It will never form a government but the Conservatives can and must and will then need their people in place in Europe as well." She goes on to say some other odds and ends about Brussels, Westminster, the Labour Party,,,,, just about all of it nonsense. It is the Lib-Lab-Con. trick that has created the whole bloody shooting match. And Westminster it was, gave away our Sovereignty. Only this morning, it is announced that Brussels is to insist that Lloyds Bank, begins a break-up and sell of, of Departments. This will cost the Taxpayer some £Billions of their Tax Money. Laugh, I almost fell off my chair.
If you look at that link I put at the beginning, go to-: Sir Ronald Cohen :
Midas with a Mission; Posted on-: 12th. May 2007.
There is another piece, "The Golden Paradigm" that dates back to 1987, and is a forecast of the financial melt down. I had this posted on the BBC. Website and they claimed people were not able to avoid the Northern Rock and other problems ? Well then, how about the coming storm ? America, Germany, France and the rest of Europe. Hold on to your Hollyhocks, this could get as nasty as anything ever will.
Whatever, the one thing you must always remember, America has massive Oil Reserves. Europe has none. The US$ is the Worlds dominant currency. And one last Ace, America also has, Probably, the largest Gold Reserves in the World.
And Gordon Brown still says, Britian is well placed to weather the storm.
Time I had a comfort break.
Regards, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"

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