Monday 1 June 2009


I have been reading the Daily Express and in particular, Leo McKinstry, "Our political class is the problem, not the solution." Sub-titled, "It's like the Mafia taking charge of law and order".
How right he is. Only on Saturday, when I was looking for comments to use for this chapter in my appeal to the common-sense of the British Taxpayer, did the words cesspit, stench and pollution come to mind, along with others. But then, what we are seeing and reading about is only part of the criminal activities of Westminster and Whitehall. Who now remembers Quinetiq ? Or the sale of the Inland Revenue buildings ? Or the fact that at least two civil servants became Millionaires overnight by this activity ?
Don't take my word for it, go to-: and read todays 'paper. Another thing, go to my profile and link to- Money Money Money you will find I was saying then, in 2005/6
exactly what Im saying now. Have a look at todays editorial, the changes made in 2001 and 2002, regarding gov' Pensions. And remember who told Wanker Brown it would not hurt the Private Pension Industry if he raided the Investment returns and took some £5. Billion a year out of the Private Pensions Funds. Remember, it was "Redadair" now Lord Turner.That was after he left the CBI. Blair and Brown found a hole for him, as they did, or at least Brown did, find a hole for Digby, now Lord Jones. I offten wonder where the money comes from to run the CBI. the IOD.(The Taxpayers?) When I spoke to Ruth Lee, by 'phone I must add, she said, "we are winning the argument with Gordon Brown. Taxation is being reduced and Red Tape is being rolled back". That was when she had the top job at the IOD. They still hasn't recovered from her tenure.
The next problem to hit the man, Brown, is the fact GM (Motors) will be taken under German control. They are the ones to put up a very substantial amount of money to protect their jobs. The rest of it, GM Europe, will migrate East to that part of Europe with much lower costs. I would think that overall, it will mean about another million people out of work and on the dole. Still why worry, all or at least most of these politicians will be gone next year if not before. Imagine, they are spending a little more than £2Billion Each Day. £14 and more Billion Each Week. I will admit,
£2Billion a week goes to Brussels. £150something Billions is Benefit's money.
£100Billion is to pay for the NHS. and the multi-Billionaires it has spawned.

If you, any of you, think that allowing them to change the system or re-write the rules will make one iota of difference, think again. Within a week or two they will be back to their old tricks. THE ONLY ANSWER IS TO TAKE THE MONEY AWAY FROM THEM.
Start another system that is controlled by the Taxpayers. Use the Parish, Town and District Council with the County Council in overall control of Administration.
Enough for now, time to watch the Daily Politics Programme.
Regards, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"

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