Thursday 11 June 2009

Why My Last Comment Is so Badly Put Together.

I did start early enough, but I got caught by a thunder storm and the PC was knocked out twice. Once I got it up and running again, I hurried the comment.
I wanted to have a little go at the Print Media. Until now, the Guardian has been as good as gold to me. And I have posted comments about Taxation on their website many times. I have also mentioned the fact that, even with their objection to Tax Avoidance, the fact that the Guardian also takes very large strides to avoid Taxation as do others, like Sir Philip Green, only he avoids Billions of £Pounds Sterling. Me ?? I have absolutely no objection to that at all. Every one should take steps to avoid paying any money to Westminster or any other Gov' Office.
Any way, because of the Guardians rejection, I have now logged out and shall not bother with them again. This is where the threat to the existence of the Press begins. Not that long ago, I used to buy the Telegraph, seven day a week. Then the Daily Mail. Without abusing the Editor, I could within reason telephone and talk to
Mr Dacre. The man was always a Gentleman.
Then there was the Guardian, probably three days a week. And of course, the Daily Express, seven days a week. But all of that has changed. I don't remember the date, but at one time my Paper bill was £12.50 each week. Today it is only just over the £2.00 a week. The Telegraph was the first to go. How many of you now remember that Quentin Letts use to work for the Telegraph ? Again, I think it could be about half the Daily Papers that will go to the wall. And considering their Editorial Policy, they deserve to.
Like the Accountants, and Auditors, only E&Y took the trouble to examine my proposals regarding Taxation Policy. The other three were making too much money with consultancy and other services in the many different Gov' Departments. You Little People, or as Blair was fond of calling you, "Ordinary People", have almost no chance with that lot at Westminster about to re-write the rules and then change the way MPs are elected. But let me tell you this, today, with all this technology, you can run rings round any Politician who steps out of line. You can dictate to Westminster and Parliament what you are prepared to do. What you are prepared to pay in the way of Taxation. And you will have the choise of saying how many MPs you are prepared to pay for and how much you are going to pay them. This is YOUR COUNTRY and this is youe bloody money. Legally, the only Taxation that is enforceable, is the Local County Taxation in the area of your Home.
OH!! and by the way, this goes for America as well as the Poor Old Taxpayer across the whole of the European Union.
Now,I would suggest that these 'Papers, get their smelly stuff together and start thinking about the future. Because it's time for the People to take control.
Regards To All, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"

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