Monday 1 June 2009


I was not going to do this, but after listening to the BBC. castigating UKIP on the Daily Politics programme, I've changed my mind.
Me, I am totally against the European Union. Westminster had no right whatsoever giving away our Sovereignty to that bunch of crap at Brussels. And yes, that does include those British members who think that the euro and all things Continental amount to a Wet Dream. People like Mandelson, Chris Pattern, Lord Brittan and some of the other Bumholes who can't get enough of that bunch of crappy Politicians across the water. Don't get me wrong, I spent much time in Germany, France, I used to work for Comex, then Spain Portugal Italy, where I worked for a shipping Co. Oh! yes, must not forget one of my all time favourites, Holland. Nothing wrong with any of them except their Politicians.They used to be so much worse than anthing we produced. But now, I understand they, the Europen Politicians, come over here to learn the tricks Westminster and Whitehall have devised. Enough of this waffle, down to the nitty gritty.
I take it that most of you who intend to vote on Thursday, will Vote for UKIP or the BNP. there is no other choise. The Lib-Lab-Con-Trick has shot its bolt. Cameron says he will allow a referndum, then he says he won't. I'm convinced he is not to be trusted. I wouldn't vote for him or the Party, as long as he leads it. I shall vote UKIP. or BNP., and in the local Election, I will vote for my usual rep', Bev Spratt
he has served us well in South Norfolk, and if it wasn't for Westminster and the Bloody Treasury, (and of course the Chancellor) Norfolk would, or at least might get the funding that it should be entitled to, all things being equal. Time to get some tea. I'll see how things go, and I'll get back to this tomorrow or later.
Regards, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"

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